Shower steam

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You had just gotten home from a long day at work and all you wanted was a shower. "Draco?" You call out. No answer. You sigh, you slip your shoes off and place them on a mat. You walk into your shared bedroom with draco and open the bathroom door. You turn the shower on and take the clips out of your hair. You slip your top off then your bra, you take your pants off and then your panties. The steam from the shower starts to engulf the mirror. You open the shower door and step in. You felt relaxed immediately. You and just started to grab the shampoo when you felt a pair of cold hands hug your waist. "Shit you scared me" you say louder then you intended. He just let out a small chuckle, "sorry princess". You turned yourself around and looked him in the eyes. His hands went down to your waist and yours went up to his neck. You felt his warm lips lightly touch yours. It wasn't a lustful kiss, it was sweet and full of love. You sighed into the kiss, he slowly pulled away and looked you on the eyes, "what's wrong doll?". "Nothing I'm just tired of work." He layed his forhead against yours and you smiled. "Thank you.", "Anything to make my girl happy." He started to rub up and down your sides, then he went farther by lightly kissing your neck. You let out a soft whimper, he only started to suck your neck at the reaction. "Please" you whimpered, "please what doll?". If you were being honest you weren't on the mood for his little games. "Fuck me draco" you said softly. "Huh, you need to speak up I didn't quite understand." That little prick. "Fuck me." You said louder this time. "You just rember you asked for this." You liked it when he was rough, it was something you really did enjoy. You felt his fingers rubbing at your clit, you let out a soft whimper. "Your already this wet?" He taunted. "Asshole" you said under your breath. "Plea-" you cut yourself off with a moan. He only chuckled, wanting to hear you moan more he rubbed faster. You were in bliss, you had to admit it; he knew what he was doing. You suddenly felt two fingers enter you, you yelped out in surprise. "You feel so good around my fingers baby." You moaned out in response. You felt your climax nearing, you clinched around his fingers, you were so close. "What the hell!" He had removed his fingers. "Not so fast darling, I want your pretty litte pussy to cum on my dick." You got butterflys and started to get impatient. "Fuck me now." You said, "impatient now are we?" He lined his tip up and slowly shoved a can of baked beans up your ass.

Lots of live laugh love you guys.

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