Chapter 7

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"Hi!" Linh greeted us with a warm smile. "Hi Linh nice, you are here. Where's Wylie?" Sophie asked.

"Oh he'll be coming anytime soon." Linh replied.

Right on cue, Wylie appeared. "Hi guys, did I miss something?" "Nope just on time, we were just talking about you." "Oh nice," Wylie said.

"Ok, let's start. But first Mallowmelt?" Sophie turned to Wylie. "Definitely!" 

He took one and gobbled the whole thing up.

"Now let's wait for Marella. While doing that, a small game of Truth or Dare?" Sophie said, rubbing her hands together.

"Okay! I'll start," Keefe said. "Foster, Truth or Dare?" "Ummmmmmmm," Sophie hesitated, worried that choosing Truth will let some secrets out, and doing Dare would end up terrible especially if it's from Keefe.

"Dare then," Sophie decided. 

"Ooooo good choice Foster. The Hunkyhair would never go soft on Dares." Keefe said.

"Hmmmmmm," Keefe thought. "Oh! I know!" Keefe started as all the adults went out of the room. "I Dare you to go to Grady and ask if you could kiss any guy in the room." 

"Oh nice one!" Tam said

"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" Sophie turned red as Keefe smirked.

Sophie sighed as she walked upstairs and everyone followed. 

"Dad?" Sophie said, awkwardly. 

"Yes kiddo?" Grady asked.

"Uh Uh. C-c-c-can I k-k-k-kiss someone in the group here?"

"NAH-UH!!!!!!!!!!! Sandor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why did you allow this?" "I-I-I am sorry sir!" Sandor stammered.

"No way! Sandor! Gimme a BAT!!!!!!!!!!! Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Grady commanded. 

When Sandor handed the bat, Grady started chasing all the boys, shouting," Who suggested this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????"

"Me of course!" Keefe shouted back. He has some nerve... Sophie thought.

Grady started to chase Keefe with the bat, swinging it every where.

"No dad stop!" Sophie shouted, but it was too late.

Hahaha! Cliffhanger! Wait for the next chapter! Bye!

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