Chapter 1

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Nick POV:

I dont really know what happened to us, Matt and I, i really don't. Maybe YouTube was too much pressure. I miss it though, i miss us. The way we used to spend every second of every day with each other. We used to go on dates, have fun. But now... we dont even sleep in the same bed. We're always fighting about little things. Like right now we're fighting about... well.... i dont even remember.

"Dammit Nick can't you do anything right?!" my lovely boyfriend screams at me

"ME?! I'm not the one who always messes up th videos, burns the food, never does the dishes, never does laundry, never does anything! I do everything around here, and you do nothing!"

"i do NOT mess up the videos! and atleast i try to cook!"

"okay, whatever" I so into the bedroom and slam the door locking it. I take out my phone and call Ellie.

"Hello" she answers after two rings

"Hey Ellie, can i spend the night at your house" i ask biting my lip

"Are you and Matt fighting again?" She asks and I can hear the saddness in her voice

"yea, so can i?"

"I'm visiting family this weekend, remember? Sorry Nick"

"oh yeah i forgot. It's okay, have fun and tell your mom i said hey"

"okay i will, bye"

"bye" i hang up and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. A few mintues later i hear the front door slam shut, probably Matt going to get dinner. I sigh and get up, I guess I'll fix myself dinner.


20 mintues later i'm eating my chicken when Matt comes home

"Hey babe I overacted so I-what are you doing" He asks looking at my food

"eating" I notice he's holding a bag from veggie grill. He closes his eyes then opens them right back up and throws the bag to the ground.

"Dammit Nick, i try to do something nice, but they you have to go and ruin it, like always!"

"I didnt know you were bringing food home" I whisper and look down at my food. He sighs heavily and then goes to our bedroom. I sigh, finish eating, clean up and lay down on the couch. Looks like I'm sleeping here tonight, again


Hey guys so that was chapter one if you cant tell by the big "chapter one" at the beginning. So i hope you enjoyed this chapter, i know it's crappy, but it will get better. But if you still liked it, make sure to vote and comment, thanks

-Amanda :)x

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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