Already, talks of tour dates for the Lover tour that was planned were being contested, some countries cancelling the dates on account of the news, while her social media accounts saw an ongoing war between losing followers and then gaining more. It was terrifying, mystifying and exhilarating all at the same time, but neither of them had publicly appeared together yet. Not in such an official capacity, on a red carpet as wives.

The door opened a moment later and Rosie ducked her head as she climbed out of the car. Dressed in a pastel lavender ruffled mini dress by RaisaVanessa, her dark hair in a braided updo, Rosie was greeted by the sound of her name being shouted and the first few cameras flashed as paparazzi swarmed to her.

Taking a deep breath, she turned back to the car and held her hand out, watching as Jennie's tanned hand slipped into her own and she helped her out of the car. If her own first red carpet appearance since the news dropped hadn't been enough to garner all the attention of every reporter, interviewer and photographer at the Billboard Music Awards, the sight of Jennie joining her, in a matching lavender pantsuit, their rings flashing on their fingers, definitely did the trick.

Trying to mask her panic with a cool look of indifference, Rosie jerked her chin up and looped her left hand through Jennie's arm, diamond shining in the light, and walked forward. Instead of making straight for the red carpet to pose for photos, which she knew the photographers were eager for as they blinded the two of them with the nonstop clicking of their cameras, Rosie made straight for the barricade of fans.

Unlooping her arm from Jennie's, she took markers and sighed photos of herself, putting her back to the crowd to take selfies as she smiled widely, while Jennie did the same beside her. Irene and Hyeri were there too, lingering back with Rosie's security guard, ensuring that everything went smoothly for their first public appearance.

After ten minutes of back and forth and signing and selfies, Jennie pressed her hand against Rosie's back and escorted her further in as other guests pulled up behind them. Stepping onto the red carpet before the black backdrop bearing the names of sponsors, they stood side by side, staring out at the sea of cameras.

Rosie didn't even falter, looping her arm back through Jennie's as she raised her chin again, an almost smug smile twisting her lips as she stared out, knowing that everyone there was looking at them. And she didn't care whether they envied her or scorned her, because she was standing there with Jennie on her arm, both of the shuffling into position and then stepping further down the line for yet more photos.

She'd thought that it would fill her with terror, that open vulnerability giving people the perfect chance to denounce her, to oust her from her position amongst her peers. Instead, it filled her with pride. Standing there, with her arm around Jennie's waist, pressed up against her wife, Rosie didn't feel small and afraid; she felt strong and loved, two things infinitely more powerful. And with that feeling came the sudden surprising knowledge that no one would be able to get rid of her; she was above this game now. She'd cemented herself as one of the greatest artists of her generation, up there with the most critically acclaimed musicians she'd always revered.

And slowly, ever so slowly, a smile crept across Rosie's face, knowing and amused until she was shaking with quiet laughter.

"What?" Jennie murmured, ducking her head down as she looked at her with amused adoration.

"I just realised something," Rosie said, looking up at her as her eyes creased at the corners and she smiled widely.

"Realised what?"

"They can't get rid of me, no matter how much they love me or hate me. They need me. Is that cocky to say?"

Letting out a quiet laugh as she kissed the side of Rosie's head and squeezed her waist, Jennie's voice was quiet in her ear as she replied.

"No, it's not cocky; you're right. You're a story that they need to whisper about, and because of that ... you'll always be an icon. You're going to be the stories they're still telling in fifty years."

"And you," Rosie said with a smile, tilting her head in as she smiled for the cameras.

They walked on another few feet and posed again, her hand on her hip and her hand around Jennie's waist. With a contented smile on her face, Rosie looked down at her, her eyes bright with mirth and love.

"Kiss me."

Pulling back slightly, Jennie stared up at her for a moment to make sure she was certain before she raised her head the extra inch needed to bridge the distance between them. Closing her eyes, Rosie kissed her back as she smiled into it, starbursts of white behind her eyelids as the cameras and the shouts washed over them.

In that moment, it truly could've been a dream, but when she pulled back, she was met with her reality, her wife, and she could hear the stories already, the things that people would say about them one day.

"You and I ... we're going to be folklore."

The End

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