Your presence

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"Hmmm? "I woke up and felt arms wrapped around my waist,  I looked up to see.... Baji-San hugging  me ?! My face went red and I was so embarrassed,  I froze and just then I realized I was wearing just a t-shirt,  but it wasn't mine, it was Baji-Sans shirt and I was not wearing pants?!
I tried to get out of his grip but it was no use,  he was too strong,  so the only option I had was to stay like that till Baji-San wakes up and accept my fate.


Baji woke up a few minutes later after Chifuyu had . As he woke up he realized that he had replaced his body pillow with Chifuyu,  which actually he didn't mind at all.
"U-Umm , Baji-san? " Chifuyu said as he tried to shake Baji awake
"I think we should get up it's late.."
But it was a waste of breath,  Baji only tighten his grip more and said with a morning voice that made Chifuyu shiver and flushed a blush oh his face
"It's Saturday ... why do you wanna get up so early..."
"But it's 9:00 am wee need to get up "
Chifuyu said as he was hoping the other male would hear him and get up so he could escape.
"Omg fine... " The taller male said and opened his eyes finally,  just to see Chifuyu trying to move.
"Stop moving so much "he said as he was hugging Chifuyu
"Can I ask you something Baji-San? " Chifuyu asked the other one
"What's up? " the other male said quietly
W-Well umm W-who change my clothes? " The smaller male asked as he tried to hide his red tomato face so the other one couldn't see it
"Hmm? I did " Baji said closing his eyes again
"He what?!" Chifuyu though to himself while his face got even more red
He pushed the other males arms away and quickly got up of the bed , grabbed his clothes and locked himself in the bathroom,  leaving the other male confused of the sudden reaction.  Only then Baji realized what was happening , he got up got dressed and waited for Chifuyu to get out of the bathroom which didn't take long .
Once the smaller male was out of the bathroom the other one spoke up:
"Listen,  I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable,  I just thought it'd be more comfortable for you not to sleep in jeans. And as I was about to leave you told me to stay and grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bed , sorry..."

Baji tried to explain himself but then Chifuyu spoke up:
"It's okay Baji-San don't worry about it !"
They got out of the room and saw that Bajis mom was already back
"Mom ? You're already home ?" Baji asked.
"Yes sweetie "She said to her son ad then turned towards Chifuyu:
"Hi sweetie,  it's good to see you again after so many years,  did you have a good sleep? " She asked Chifuyu politely
"Hi Miss It's good seeing you too and yes I slept really good , sorry if I was a bother tho " Chifuyu said nervously scratching the back of his neck .
"Oh please,  what bother are you talking about,  please take a seat I made breakfast " She said placing the plates in the table
"Aren't you eating with us ?" Chifuyu asked when he saw only two plates on the table
"Oh I already ate , you can go ahead because I need to leave for work,  okay? She asked as She grabbed her bag and opened the door.
"Okay " they both said .
"Bye "
And with that she was gone
The tension between both of them was really big ,and the silence was killing both of them not being able to find the words to start a conversation , leaving them hoping the other one would do it . And just like that breakfast was over, Baji got up to clean the table but Chifuyu stopped him
"I can do it , it's the least I can do " He said as he grabbed the plate and placed it in the sink ,Baji smiled and said
"Chifuyu it's ok I can do it myself "


They started chatting to catch up and Chifuyu told Baji everything,  from how Kazutora died to Mike's disappear and Draken trying to find him or how Emma and Izana died.  The fight between Tanjiku and Toman or how mikey dismembered Toman about 10 years ago .
Baji felt bad that he missed so many things,  he felt bad he wasn't there for Mikey,  his childhood best friend at the time he lost his siblings or how he wasn't there to save Kazutora from his death, or how he hurt his best friend by making him believe he was dead for 10 years straight, however Chifuyu seemed to notice his best friends burden so he spoke up and said:

"Listen,  Baji-san maybe you were not there though all these things happening , but now you're back and this is all it matters to me , I'm sure your presence will make things better in a way or another,  trust me !"

Where have you been ?(Bajifuyu) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu