II - another day

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Tuesday, 2nd November 2021

It was a new day. Opening his bookstore at 10 a.m. Welcoming every single customer. Seeing familiar faces. Chatting with them and getting his work done. He spent the whole day in the store, just like everyday.

At some days like today he had his co-workers, Seonghwa and Yeosang over. Today a new book came out and they had to put them on one of the new arrival desks. It was stressful. There were a few rude customers snatching away some books and complained about how stuffed the store was.

Yeosang was with Hongjoong, while Seonghwa was on the cash register. "I think we need more people here. Like what's with Christmas?" Yeosang asked concerned. Hongjoong approved wit a short nod. "I already thought about it. It would be very helpful." The older mumbled and together they finally finished the unpacking.

The customer number minimised every minute that passed. Until only a few were left. Then Seonghwa spoke up. "Didn't you put this desk up half an hour ago?" Quietly chuckling, just earning a little passive aggressive nod.

"Yes, we did. What about it?" Yeosang voiced out hongjoongs thoughts. "It's nearly empty." Hongjoong glanced over only to sigh. "What?!" Yeosang yelled from the camp. He stormed over to the olders. "It is. What the hell? How? Do we even have copies left?" The younger cursed under his breath.

Hongjoong went over to the table and organised it newly. Thinking of what would look good. Seonghwa just laughed because of the youngest.

"Hongjoong?" the brunette yelled for him. "Yes?" He yelled back. "We don't have any copies left. Should I order new ones?" "Yeah, would be great." Seonghwa answers for the white haird male.

Hongjoong was lost in his work. Creativity streaming through his veins. Seonghwa walked over. "Hey Joongie, I have an idea." "Hm?" "How about each of us picking out a book thats interesting to us and read it. And after that we write like a recommendation for our customers? I saw that on the internet. Here." Seonghwa told the younger and showed him an Instagram post.

"That would be great. Could you also make a fancy Instagram account for us please? I totally forgot about that." Hongjoong asked happily. Seonghwa nodded. "I'm starting today, okay?" the pink haird exclaimed and took one of the books from the shelve.

It was 'Auroras Awakening'. The cover was in a lilac colour with an star system design on it. On those stars embossed a young lady at the foreground. Her hair was pitch black well, except for this one strand that glittered snow-white.

"Yeosang, can you come here real quick?" Seonghwa yelled over to the youngest. "Coming." He walked over to his Hyungs and asked what the matter is. They explained it to him and he was completely in love with this idea. "Oh my god. Maybe my boyfriend will begin to like reading. Maybe he reads it with me." he exclaimed happily.

He ran away from them searching the shelves for a good book to read. "I'm reading this one!" He happily shouts. Holding up a book. The cover was white blue-ish. A young couple stood back to back and crossed their pinkies. The title read 'Ps: I love you'.

"Yeo? Hwa?" They both hummed at him signaling him to continue his train of thoughts. "When you've done all your work you can go home. I'll handle the rest." The white haird told them with a loving smile. "Are you sure?" They asked their boss. He nodded. "Okay, then. I'll get going. Jongho is probably waiting for me. But don't over do it Captain." Seonghwa laughed as he got his belongings, waving them goodbye.

Yeosang made the orders for tomorrow and left after that. Waving goodbye at his Hyung with a smile. "Good luck with your boyfriend." he wished Yeosang and he laughed. "Thank you, Hyung. He sometimes can be a pain in the ass but I love him anyways." Waving once again he then left.

Hongjoong signed. He'd hope Seonghwa would send him the accounts password and name so that he can feed it with stuff. Shaking his head he began to work again.

Filling up gaps with new copies. Cleaning and arranging the book shelves. There weren't much customer, at this hour, left in his store. Just a few who quickly looked around or calming down after a stressful day but most of them left after they found nothing interesting.

"Excuse me, Sir." a young girl approached Hongjoong. "I've found a interesting book but I can't reach it. Could you help me? I didn't want to step on the lower shelves and make some of the books dirty." the girl was nervous. She didn't speak much.

"Yeah, of course. Show me which book you want me to get you." He smiled softly at her and the girl cheered happily. Taking him by his hand she lead the way towards the shelf. "That pink blue-ish one. 'Six Crimson Cranes'." she pointed at the book she wanted.

Hongjoong got the lader. It rolled along the shelves just like in Belles library. The girl was amazed by it, "Woah, are you secretly Belle? Oh, I wish I could be as pretty as her."

"But you already are. And maybe someday you meet your prince." he tried to cheer up the young girl from high above. The girls was, maybe, eleven and needed all the confidence she could get. Hongjoong wanted to give her some of his confidence.

The owner climbed doen ladder and handed her the book asked for. "Thank you, Sir." she smiled widely, showing of her little bracelets. Hongjoong took the girls hand with and just as big a smile as hers and so they went over to the cash register. The girl held up all her cash. Her eyes gimmered in the store lights.

It was silent for a bit until she spoke up again, now her voice was bearly above a whisper. "Can I hug you, Sir?" If he wouldn't have listened as closely as he was, he wouldn't have heard her speak.

He nodded, crouching down onto his knees, as she already fell into his arms. Cuddling herself closer to him. "Thank you for making me happy today, Sir. For saying I may find my prince some day. You can find him or her to. I believe in you because you made me believe" the girl whispered before seperating. She waved at Hongjoong and walked outside.

  lilacs on  a warm spring day 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝗥𝗘𝗪𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat