19 | The Friendliest Skips

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pov switching my beloved


"You have your first official cross-test."

I look over at Veilleux. "Isn't the one where the D-Class attacked me a test?" "Y/N, you're being put in a room with other anomalies to see how you both react."

I tense up. I don't want to end up in a room with 096. The only two SCPs here that I know won't hurt me are 079 and Jay. Well, the least likely to, anyway.

Ella smiles, and I could tell she was trying to be reassuring. "No need to be afraid, Y/N. The SCPs you're going up against are the 131s, they're very friendly and practically harmless."

Well, that's a relief.

"When's the test, then?" "It was supposed to be right now, but everyone decided literally three hours ago to throw a D-boy at another SCP! So, therefore, your test is delayed for 11pm and I couldn't reschedule it. The SCP in question receiving the D-Class isn't even allowed contact with humans, what in the everloving- we've studied that damn thing for over two decades!-"

I throw a book at the glass, making them flinch. "Calm the fuck down, E. The worst that can happen is the D-Class dies, and you can always bring them to me. My 'magical healing abilities' work even when I'm half-asleep in the middle of a cross-test."

I look at the clock. "7PM."

"Yeah... so do you wanna build a dog killing farm in Minecraft in the meantime?"


"Wait, what? Eleanor, what the fu-"


"This is Dr. Elijah Itkin for TL.049.■■, 23rd of October 2021. For the record, we are sending in D-9178, who has been labelled D-XYZ-1. Purpose of the test is to see if SCP-049 considers a reverted SCP-049-2 instance as 'cured'."

Inaudible mumbling of a male voice is heard.

"You'll probably be fine" "Oh, I'm going to die-"

"Will the both of you keep it down? I've started recording. (there's a sigh from Dr. Itkin.) SCP-049 is currently pacing his cell, where, from my observations in the past ■■ years of studying him, he probably senses the Pestilence nearby. I am unsure if it is because of myself, Agent Ulgrin, or D-XYZ-1."

"Heh, it's probably the D-boy"

"Grin, you're lucky I'm letting you watch this test go on. Shut up before I shove you in with the Class-D."

The sounds of a door opening as well as a gun being cocked are heard in the background.

"Testing commences once D-XYZ-1 enters the room. D-XYZ-1, enter SCP-049's containment chamber, or there will be harsh consequences."


I nearly fell forward when someone jabbed me with what felt like a stick. "Ow!" I turn to see the perpetrator, only to be looking down the barrel of a gun.

Dr. Veilleux turns to look directly at the guard. "XYZ currently poses no threat. You have no right to violently touch them with your gun, nor shoot the entity in their face."

The guard didn't even blink, he just motioned for me to go towards the door. Due to being in no position to deny and probably even protest against this, I obliged.

(ARCHIVED) The Perfect Cure!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat