Power Placement and the Cafeteria

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The Gwen girl didn't give us much of a tour, just pointed out rooms occasionally as we continued on our way to an obvious destination.

She left us in our group in the gym, and the doors closed behind her with a thud.

We all looked at each other.

"Now what?" I asked.

Just then, a small ball of light whooshed over our heads making us all gasp, and as we followed it, the little ball transformed into a woman with dark hair, a friendly smile, and dressed completely in white.

"Good morning, students, I am Principal Powers. On behalf of the student body and staff I would like to welcome you to Sky High!" she announced, gesturing grandly at the school as a whole.

There were some claps, and a few cheers, but Zach seemed the most enthusiastic when he screamed, "Whoo! Yeah!"

I rolled my eyes, smirking at him.

Then Principal Powers explained that we'd now go through the process of power placement, where we would be put into two sections- either Heroes or Sidekicks; which group you were in depended on the timetable you would collect at the end of the day for tomorrow.

So... from what I could understand.... no school work today!

I whispered my observation to Will and Principal Powers exited the room in her shiny flying form, and he just shook his head at me smiling; "You're so lazy!"

I faked offence, poking my tongue out at him.

Yet hearing the squeaking of trainers on the gym floor, everyone looked up to find the Coach take his place on this stage thing.

He told us that his name was Coach Boomer or Sonic Boom or something, and basically explained what power placement was like Principal Powers had, but stressed the fact that we'd have to present our powers in front of the whole class... great.

This ginger, geeky looking kid called Larry was up first, and he turned into this massive rock creature thing, getting him the title of Hero.

Obviously spurred on by Larry's success, Zach waltzed up onto the stage without waiting to be called up.

"Did I say you were next?" Coach Boomer asked, raising an eyebrow at Zach, unamused.

"The name's Zach. Try not to drop your clipboard Coach Boomer," Zach said cockily.

Then he clapped and opened his arms as if he was showing us something really great, and I couldn't help but facepalm, feeling Layla's hand pat my shoulder reassuringly.

When Coach told him to actually present his power, Zach protested; "I'm doing it... I'm glowing!" before trailing off and adding, "It's too light in here though so maybe if we could turn off the light... and, and you could cup your hands round your eyes a little, and-"

"SIIIIIDEEEKICKKKK!!!!" Coach Boomer yelled, sending Zack flying off the stage.

Next was a girl who turned into a bouncy ball- Sidekick.

Then a guy with acidic spit- Hero.

Then there was me.

"You!" the Coach pointed to me, and I sighed, reluctantly walking up onto the small stage.

"What's your name, what's your power?" Coach asked, not looking up from his clipboard.

"Rosie Stronghold, and I can control water and teleport," I muttered, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

"Stronghold?" Boomer repeated and I nodded sheepishly.

"Third Generation Hero- two powers," he mused; "Strange mix though, and nothing like your Ma or Pa's."

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