She didn't know why he had broken up with her.

Was it something she said?

Was it something she did?

Was it just her in general?

Leni didn't know. She didn't know if she wanted to either. The time was passing by quickly but she didn't notice, the rain hadn't slowed in fact it had to not gotten heavier, Leni had been sitting out on the beach in the rain processing what Patrick had said to her for about an hour.

She had told Jack she would be back by 8 and it was now 8:30, Leni didn't notice that her phone had been blowing her up with calls and texts from Jack, the rest of the quartet, Bella, Darcy and Cassie.


It was dark by now and Leni was still sitting on the beach, the tears had subsided about half an hour ago but the emotional pain was still there.

Leni heard someone calling her name in the distance, as she looked to her left she saw Jack walking along the beach looking around most likely for her.

"Here" She croaked, her voice still sounded like she had been crying

When he heard he walked over to see his cousin with tear stains down her face and soaked in rain

"Come on let's go home, then you can tell me what happened, Cassie, Darcy and Bella are all at the apartment" Jack said helping her up and leading her to the car

"You were right" She mumbled as they drove home making Jack quite confused but he decided he would wait until they got home for her tom explain.


When the two walked in only Bella, Darcy and Cassie were there

"Did the guys go home?" Asked Jack as he guided Leni to the couch

"Yeah they said they'd call later though" Bella said as the girls went over to Leni

"Hey Len, how about you go put on some dry clothes then we can talk" Suggested Cassie softly

Leni nodded in response before standing up and walking to her room.

She felt numb.

Leni didn't know why he broke up with her.

She was in love with him.

Leni changed into her pjs and put her phone on charge before walking back out and lying on the couch, she put her head in Cassie's lap and stayed quiet until Bella spoke.

"What happened?" She asked with a concerned look on her face, Darcy and Bella were also sitting on the couch and Jack was sitting on the floor in front of it

"We broke up" Leni mumbled, moving her head to Cassie's chest



"Did he break up with you because if so I will kill him" Jack threatened

"No don't do that" She sighed

"Can I ask what happened?" Cassie said

"Well he invited me to the beach saying we needed to talk and I was like Okay because I wanted to tell him that Jack and I made up." Leni began to say all 4 of the people around her listened intently

"He spoke first and said that we should break up and I sat in shock for a second and then he walked away. I just kinda sat there and cried a bit then it started raining and I didn't see or hear the texts and calls. So yeah" Leni explained hurriedly, She didn't realise that a couple of tears had fallen

"That motherfucker" Jack muttered angrily standing up grabbing the car keys off the bench before storming out the door.

Leni didn't have anytime to tell him not to leave so instead just looked at the door he had slammed shut.

"Do you want to call your mum or Jo or your Nonna?" Asked Darcy in a soft tone

"Yeah I'll call them quickly and tell them what's happened" Leni sighed getting off the couch and going to her room to call them.


A/N 1186 words. Okay so I was going to finish the story this chapter but then I felt like this book needed some spice so here we are. I hope this chapter annoyed or angered you all.

Also i'm sorry for not being consistent with updates i've got some family shit going on at the moment but i'll try and get the whole story out by the end of the year.

Love Ella xx


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