Season 3 Episode 12 - Get A Break

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Mick tried to persuade Brooklyn to move out of The Mitchell House.
Ben had a date.
Kieron admitted his fatherhood struggles to Sadie.

Its early in the morning in the Mitchell House and Brooklyn is feeding Liam and Kieron walks into the living room and is buttoning up his garage overalls

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Its early in the morning in the Mitchell House and Brooklyn is feeding Liam and Kieron walks into the living room and is buttoning up his garage overalls. Kieron smiles to Brooklyn and Brooklyn asks "You off to work?" Kieron says "Gotta keep the boss happy" and Brooklyn says "Why don't ya ask for a day off? Get a break" and Kieron scoffs in disbelief and says "I can't ask that, Phil would tear me a new one" and Brooklyn says "He should be fine with it" Kieron says "Brooke, leave it alone" and he walks towards her and looks down and kisses Liam's forehead and looks at Brooklyn and kisses her cheek and walks out of the house.

Ben walks into a cafe and looks around and smiles when he sees Paul Coker and smirks and walks towards Paul and sits at the table. Paul says "You better have a good enough reason why we're not meeting in Walford?" Ben smirks and says "Sorry I just can't have my Family know about us yet" and Paul says "You mean about you being gay?" Ben smirks and says "That too" and Paul chuckles.

There's a knock at the Mitchell door and Sharon walks towards the door and shouts "I've got it!" and she opens the door to see Sadie. Sharon smiles "Can I help you?" Sadie says "I don't think we've met, I'm Sadie...Kieron's Mum" and Sharon says "Hiya Sadie, I'm Sharon..I'm Brooke's Stepmum. Kieron isn't here" Sadie says "Actually I'm here for Brooke, I need to talk with her". Brooklyn walks out of the living room and appears behind Sharon and asks "Sadie?" Sadie says as she looks to Brooklyn "Brooke we need to talk" and Brooklyn nods.

Brooklyn walks into the living room and Sadie follows Brooklyn into the living room and Sadie asks "Where's Liam?" Brooklyn replies "Having a nap, so what's up?" Sadie answers "It's just - it's Kieron, he's struggling" and Brooklyn says "Yeah I know" and Sadie says "Oh you know?" Brooklyn says "Of course I know, he's my Boyfriend" and Sadie nods and says "Well in that case I think it's best for him if he stays with me and his Father for a couple of days, just until he can cope better" and Brooklyn scoffs in disbelief and says "No" and Sadie asks taken back "No?" Brooklyn says "He will cope better if he is with Liam all the time, running away never solves anything. Besides we're a Family and Families don't split up" and Sadie nods and says "If you know Kieron as well as you do, you'll know that he doesn't deal well under pressure and this is the best solution for everyone" and Liam cries echo through the house and Brooklyn says "Liams up, I better go and see to him" and Sadie nods and says "Well just think on it, I'll be in touch" and Sadie walks out.

Sadie makes a proposal for her Son.
Brooklyn discovers Ben's secret.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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