It was silent until the person replied with "huh alright then" I heard the person walking away.

The man let out a breath and once every guard was gone upstairs he took the old guard outside of the car. I moved slightly so I was able to look out the window. He threw the man overboard and watched as their was a big splash.

"Hey, you" A guard with a triangle mask walked up to him with a gun.

Trailing behind him was the square mask person who I'm still unsure is Betty or not and whos this Y/N person? So I'm just calling them square mask person.

This is all so confusing.

They walked up to him and said "did you forget the rules?. You do not speak or look at your superior unless your superior allows you too."

The man replied with "sorry I got seasick."

They looked at him up and down "go Standby in the cabin" They told him while walking away.

Maybe 10 minutes later the car was being moved again and I was being over into a bed thingy.

Idk what it's called

The guard started undressing me and putting my player clothes but I realized they will take my knife so I sneaked it into a guards pocket. When they were done and I was laying back down on the bed I grabbed the knife from the guards pocket and hid it in my sleeve.

Now back to the present.

I was sitting on the bed in the player room waiting for the second game to start.

I noticed a lot of people came back.

I also noticed that asshole from a couple days ago who started a fight with me was now approaching me.

"I'll take you in again and look past everything. Come and join us. We were a good team for a while out there, huh?" He said to me.

"Are you actually serious? I mean everybody out there is still looking for you." I slowly said to him.

"Stop with the act. It doesn't matter how tough you are, you're not going to win in this place. Not on your own. Didn't you notice? Those jerks with masks came in and removed the beds of the people who died. Make one mistake out there and yours is next." He told me while chuckling or wheezing?

"Worry about your own ass, okay?" I said to him while his men behind him chuckled.

"Dont join him. This guy's a damn dumbass. He liked to pick all of his little minions pockets just so he could fill up his own. He got bold enough tone day to go after his head honcho's pockets, but now he's in here. 'Cause he was stupid and got caught. You know what people In my hometown would call you, huh?" I paused "A damn revolutionary asshole." The second I finished talking his men tried holding in their chuckles but failed.

"You communist little bitch, I'm gonna" he started lunging for me while I got my knife out of my pocket and held it behind my back.

"Excuse me. Am i interrupting you? Sorry." A women interrupted him. I looked at her shirt.

Player 212

The one who hasn't named her child

Why the hell is she back here.



I approached the front man and told him "Out of 201, 187 returned. The re-entrance rate is 93 percent."

"Keep an eye on the one who didn't return to play and keep me posted" he said to me.

"Yes, Sir." I replied and walked away.


The work time was now over and the most of the guards went to their rooms.

I sat down on the chair I front of the mini
TV's  that showed me their rooms. I noticed number 29 was acting weird. He looked up at the camera and slowly took his mask off. His head was facing his food and didn't look up once.

Published: 10/31/2021
1151 words

Guard ✶ Kang Sae-ByeokWhere stories live. Discover now