CHAPTER 42- the best and worst day of my life.

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"I can't lose her. She's the only person who understands me, she's the only one who stayed. She's the only one who stayed by me even after knowing the real me, everyone left but she stayed. She helped me through everything, she always pulled me out the other end, she always pulled me back on my feet every time I fell down, she always put me back on track when I was lost. She was always there no matter what. She was right next to me, stood with me helping me, catching me and guarding me. If she goes, I lose myself along the way too.
Hell I'm alive because of her, I chose to live for her. After seeing everything she did for me, it would be unfair if I just left her in dust. She's the only reason I'm alive. She can't leave me, I chose to stay for her she can't just leave. She won't...right?" she finally met my eyes for confirmation.

Everything she said just shows the beautiful bond they share but what had me really concerned and worried and scared was what she said in the end. Ninu, my Ninu can't have possibly thought of dying...right?

I try and fail miserably trying to hide my shocked and troubled expression.

"No, she won't, she won't leave me." she shakes her head.

"She won't leave me, she promised. She promised she would never leave. She promised," she kept whispering.

"Its funny how I've been in love with you for ten long years of my life yet she remains to be my everything." she murmured sending me officially into a state of shock.

Ninu...has been... in love... with... me... for ten years.

She rested her head back on my chest, silently crying. She has not realized what she said...did she?

Holy fuck!

She loves me. SHE LOVES ME!!

And that she's been in love with me for ten years just makes my heart sing and jump in happiness.

My heart is pounding against my chest and I'm pretty sure she can feel it.

Suddenly, the silence in the air was filled with my phone ringing, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I carefully take my phone out not wanting to disturb Ninu but she herself moved making it easy for me.

"Thanks," I smile but it vanishes and my heart skips a beat on seeing the caller id; Annie.

"Who is it?" she asks and peeps over and soon her eyes filled with more and more fear.

"Achu bhai?" Annie's muffled voice came through scaring the living shit out of me.

"What happened?" dread filled me.

"She made it, she survived. They saved her," she cried making tears well in my eyes as well.

I sigh in relief and close my eyes.

"Where are you? And where's Ninu di?" she asked after calming down a bit.

"She's with me-" my eyes lock with Ninu's "-we're on our way." I hang up and face Ninu.

"Is she...?" Ninu whispered for which I nodded with a huge smile.

"They saved her. She didn't leave us, she didn't leave you," I smile.

She bursts out crying.

His Replaced Brideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें