Chapter 2

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Harry was already regretting his decision after Blaise asked him to go with him to their game night. He didn't necessarily want to go down to the slytherin common room and spend a whole evening with them. Blaise promised him that he wouldn't be bothered with him by his side.

"you look pale." Blaise noted when he picked Harry up from the gryffindor common room.

Harry nodded, "slytherin common room isn't necessarily a place I'm welcomed to."

Balise chuckled, "we're not all bad Harry, come on. Can I grab your hand while we walk?"

Harry hesitated for a moment before agreeing to it. Once Blaise grabbed his hand he felt warmth all over his body from nervousness of being actually seen holding a slytherins hand. Blaise smiled at him, "I promise I'll keep you safe down there Harry. If it gets too much for you then I can always make an excuse to leave."

Harry nodded, "thank you."

Blaise gently pulled him closer chuckling at his red face. He had to admit Harry was quite handsome, his dark messy hair framed his face perfectly. He was a bit pale, had he ever seen the sun when he wasn't in Hogwarts? He heard some rumors about his family and he hoped they weren't true, that he just liked staying in his room. They began walking, he could still see the nervousness of Harry. "Harry, are you sure you're okay with all of this?"

"I don't know." Harry answered honestly. "I do want to keep my friends away from my romantic life but I feel weird faking a relationship."

Blaise nodded comprehensively, "I get it but just know that you can always back out of it and we can pretend to have broken up."

Harry smiled shaking his head, it's fine, I just have to get used to it."

Blaise squeezed his hand gently, "the good thing is that I told them that this is your first relationship with another guy so you can be as awkward as you want without it looking weird."

"thanks." Harry mumbled.

They soon arrived to the slytherin common room and Blaise said the password. Once they arrived at Draco's room the other slytherins stopped their conversation to stare at them. Blaise glared st them then smiled down at Harry, "welcome to our game night."

Harry smiled letting out a soft breath, "thank you for uh inviting me."

Theo grinned, "we just had to after we found out that you are dating our Blaisy. How else can we embarrass our best friend in front of his boyfriend?"

Blaise turned red, "Don't you dare."

Theo blew him a kiss and winked at him then turned to Harry, "I have many interesting stories."

Harry chuckled, "I would love to hear those stories."

Blaise pouted cutely trying to convince Harry to change his answers but Harry just laughed. Blaise groaned, "Fine let's just start." He guided Harry to his spot on the floor and sat next to him.

Draco conjured a muggle board game and handed it to Theo who was very excited. "found this game whilst I was hiding out in the states, have you heard of it Potter? It's called monopoly."

Harry nodded, "my cousin got it one Christmas but I've never played it."

Blaise raised an eyebrow, "you've never played it? Do you not get along with your cousin?"

Harry bit his lip looking down at his lap, "I um.... So how do you play it?"

Theo quickly explained the game to them and read the instructions to them before they began playing. Harry was surprised that he was actually feeling comfortable with the slytherins. They weren't being too pushy to get answers out of him. Draco just shot him glares when he landed on Harry's hotels but that was it. They were actually having fun.

Soon Pansy was owner of most of the board making her girlfriend go into debt because of her. Daphne pouted at her cutely but Pansy just stuck out her tongue playfully. Theo laughed at both of his girlfriends pulling Daphne to his lap making her squeal.

Harry chuckled softly and looked up at Blaise. Blaise smiled back at him scooting closer letting Harry lean against him. At least he was getting new friendships out of this.

Harry sneezed, he wasn't used to the slytherin dorm weather. He felt Blaise chuckled behind him, "cold?"

Harry blushed with all the slytherins staring at him, "a bit." Blaise conjured one of his sweaters and gave it to Harry making his face turn even redder. He mumbled a thanks before putting it on.

Once he put it on he went back to leaning against Blaise trying to ignore the stares from the slytherins.

Soon the atmosphere turned less awkward for him as the game continued. It was no surprise the un the end Pansy made everyone else go into debt.

"it was nice having you tonight Harry." Astoria said in a soft gentle tone.

Harry placed his hands in the pockets of the sweater, "thank you for having me, I had fun."

Draco looked at Harry then at Blaise then finally back at Harry and sighed, "we extend the invitate for your friends as well for our next game night. Granger might know more games like these."

Harry felt a hand on his back, it was Blaise's. "t-thanks, I'll uh tell them."

Draco nodded, "good."

Blaise loved seeing his friends trying to make his fake boyfriend feel welcomed. If there was one thing he adored about his house is how they would all do whatever they had to do for each other. "come, I'll walk you back."

Harry nodded walking with Blaise's hand on his back. Blaise leaned down once they exited Draco's room, "are you uncomfortable with my hand on your back."

"Not super uncomfortable, I think it's because I'm not used to it."

"Would you rather hold my hand?"

Harry nodded immediately, holding hands felt better for Harry. Blaise intertwined their fingers and proceeded to walk out of his common room.

"oh I forgot to give you back your sweater." Harry said as he was going to take it off.

Blaise shook his head, "you should keep it to make our relationship more convincing."

Harry paused, "are you sure?"

Blaise smiled at him softly, "I'm sure Harry, I have other sweaters I can wear. Besides I don't get cold easily." He also thought Harry looked adorable with his sweater on. It was oversized on him but it didn't swallow his figure.

Once they got to the gryffindor common room Blaise let go of Harry's hand, "thank you for agreeing to this Harry and I'm glad you did have fun."

"it was pretty fun, I hope that all of this is that easy all the time."

Blaise chuckled nodding, "I better go before curfew hits, bye Harry."

"bye Blaise."

They awkwardly separated from each other. Once Harry walked in to his common room he was greeted by his two best friends. Hermione tried to hide her smile but Ron didn't. He was grinning widely, "nice sweater."

Harry laughed nervously, "uh yeah, I got cold and Blaise let me borrow it."

"that's very cute Harry." Ron told him. He was happy that his friend had found someone he liked even if it was a slimy snake. He had never seen Harry blush this crazy or just smile like this in general. They were finally being normal like the others.

Hermione finally let her smile show, "you look very happy to be with him."

Harry played with the sleeves nervously, sure he was happy but not for the reason they wanted. "I am and they also extended the invite for next month so that you two could come along."

"Well if his friends are making an effort I guess we should too." Hermione said.

Harry grinned, "thank you. I'm going to go up to sleep, I'm very tired."

"night Harry."

"night mate."

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