𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

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"I..." Jeno whispered and groaned like a teenager being scolded, "I don't want to leave him behind. How do we fix this?"

"We don't. We can't manipulate fate, Baby. We'll just have to sit him down, ask him out soon...and if he says no, then we'll have to deal with that. You know potentials don't always work out."

"Yeah, but we figure that out after like, a month or two. Renjun means a little bit more than that now, don't you think?"

"Of course. But it's not my decision...it's his."

They left it at that, probably close to getting emotional and not wanting to reveal this to the others just yet. Their arms were filled with each other and sun had started to sprinkle in through the lazily pulled curtains.

The morning already had a calm energy to it throughout the rest of the apartments.

Renjun flinched and shivered against the nippy air caressing his shoulder. He blinked his eyes open reluctantly and stretched his hand out to feel for Jisung's presence. But it wasn't there.

The male sat up slowly and eyed the room in confusion, cold and alone unlike he wanted to be. Seriously? The one morning he decides to get up before me? His chest tightened sadly and he pulled his legs up to rest his chin on his knees, naked and sore.

The digital clock beside his bed read eight in the morning, and for some reason it didn't feel that early. The Chinese adult carefully pushed his legs over the side of the mattress and forced himself up onto his feet. Everything ached even worse than usual after exerting himself the night before, unaware until then of how physically taxing and laborious riding was. It should've been a sport. Or maybe he was just unfit.

He trailed over to his wardrobe and yanked out a fresh pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeved t-shirt. He almost couldn't believe that these clothes were back after the longest period of warmth he'd ever experienced.

Renjun's mind was focused on his disappointing wake-up while he trailed down the staircases, hand sliding along the banisters and bare feet tapping off the tiles. Eventually he moved on into the communal kitchen area and blinked once in surprise at the...well, catastrophe in occurrence.

"Boys...what the fuck?" He hissed and lunged towards the oven, turning off all the switches while lowering the temperature of the stove. "It's so hot in here."

"We burned some stuff..." Jisung murmured woefully and wore these gorgeous puppy eyes of shame.

"Correction," his partner in crime, Donghyuck, raised his index finger, "He burned some stuff. I watched and tried to prevent permanent damage."

"Why're the two of you down here, anyway? It's early, and neither of you cook."

"I wanted to make you breakfast," the youngest sighed and pulled the pan off the heat since the charcoal inside it couldn't be demolished any further. "M'sorry, I'm not built for the kitchen. I should've asked Jaemin or something..."

"But why, Ji?"

"To thank you," he chirped and smiled cutely. "You've helped me out for weeks now, and you put up with me last night. I probably wasn't...I don't know, very good?"

"Jesus, don't be like that," Renjun begged and went over to pull him in for a hug. "You weren't awful, and I'm helping you because I care about you." He glanced at the destroyed food laying about the countertops. "You can take me out if you want to, but no more kitchen time. Why is there bleach beside the eggs?"

"To clean—"

"Needless to say, neither of us have experience in this area," Hyuck made the peace sign with his fingers. "Now help us clean this up before Jaem and Lele bully us. Please?"

"Fuck...okay. Let's go."

The trio all got to work and put away the clean utensils that weren't accomplices to this kitchen crime while also cleaning the fallen soldiers. The oldest had to dig deep into the black, hardened crust that had formed along the frying pan's lining, Hyuck tied the bins and brought them out back where the collection point was so nobody would find them and Jisung disinfected the stove due to the small explosion that was plastered to it.

It took around fifteen or twenty minutes, but once the worst of it was over...it started to get fun. Hyuck snuck up behind Renjun and teasingly dragged the edge of a spatula down his spine and made him shiver severely.

"Ack— shit. Damn it, that felt weird," the Chinese boy hissed and spun around to smack his chest. "Donghyuck!"

"I liked the look of that. Remind me that you're hypersensitive to slight sensations when we get down, yeah?"

"Ever try that again, and we won't be going anywhere."

"So if I don't, I'm guaranteed some Renjun in the sheets time?"

"Why are you like this...?"

"It's worth the wait," Jisung suddenly piped up. "You're missing out—"

"I'm like, still in the room? Have your girl talk when I'm absent at least?"

"No," the younger two muttered simultaneously, and sometimes it was abundantly clear why these men all dated each other. Their energies matched almost ironically.

Donghyuck slowly edged towards his neighbour with a sly grin and cupped the male's cheeks, planting a big, sloppy kiss to his mouth before giggling. "It's no fun when you aren't here."

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𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺; renjun x dream Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя