"Am I supposed to go through all of this?" She questioned going through a never ending pages of words.

"Yes, and I want you done by tomorrow" She widened her eyes and looked at him. "You're kidding right?" She scoffed. "Do you see me laughing?" He answered, glaring. Ryan sighed and shook her head. "Fine, whatever. It better be helpful" She closed the file and looked back at him.

"Good luck newest avenger" He walked back into the darkness, leaving behind a very pissed off Ryan.


"What are you doing here?" Steve asked once he entered the kitchen to see Ryan going through a lot of paperwork. "Something" She answered. drinking her 6th cup of coffee. "You were supposed to rest so that we can fight today" He pulled out a mug from the cabinet.

"It's not like I had a choice" She snarled, finishing a paper talking about the use of weapons.

"How long were you awake? 2 hours?" He guessed. "No, 6 hours"

" 6 hours!?" He exclaimed. "Yes"

Slowly more people entered the kitchen and made their own breakfast. "Good morning everyone" Melody cheerfully said, being the last one to enter the kitchen. Ryan recalled their talk late at night, she decided to carefully look out for Melody every time and everyday.

"Morning" She heard a voice enter the kitchen. Ryan looked up to see Nick Fury himself enter the kitchen. She glared at him and when he noticed her no so great mood, he smirked back.

"Fury, what are you doing here?" Natasha asked, taking a bite out of her PB&J sandwich. "Ultron is on the loose and all of you are aware, right?" He looked at each of them in the eye. The others nodding in agreement. "But here you are, having breakfast while the world might be in chaos in the next few hours" He criticized.

"So you better get your asses to work" He warned making the other shove their food into their mouth and get up to discuss their plan.

"We're gonna need to find his next destination" Steve said, looking at the others for answers. "Easy, he's everywhere. He's fixating on nuclear missiles" Tony said. "How'd you find that out?" Bruce asked.

"Contacted Nexus" Ryan heard about Nexus before, world's fastest internet hub of all times. "But the codes keep changing, by whom? No one seems to know" He brought at the bad news. "Alright then, Tony you're gonna have to go Nexus and find out who it is" Steve ordered. "The avengers are the only thing between him and his mission" Fury recalled.

"Global destruction" Clint mumbled. "All of humanity, in graves while him and his metal become the only thing left on our earth"

"So what does he need?" Melody cluelessly asked. "Building bodies, the human form is one of the most efficient things on earth" Bruce crossed his arms. "He said that the world needs to evolve and for that, everyone is going to have to evolve. Starting with him" Ryan said making the other's wonder how, till Bruce asked the inevitable question.

"Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?"

"Melody, Ryan, you're with me" Steve ordered the others. "Clint and Natasha, the both of you are going to have to take the cradle"

"I'll drop off Bruce at the tower" Clint offered, Bruce agreeing with him nodded.

"Okay everyone, let's go" Everyone got out of the kitchen. Ryan thanked Laura before leaving and hoped the best for her and entered the quinjet.


"Dr. Cho!" Steve yelled once he saw Helen lying on the floor with a huge gash on her ribs.

"He's uploading himself into the body" She breathed out, hissing in pain. "Where?" Ryan asked.

"The real power is in the gem, it's uncontrollable. You can't just blow it up" Helen groaned. "You have to get it to Stark"

"First, we need to find it" Melody spoke behind Steve. "You guys heard the right?" Steve asked through the comms. "Loud and clear" Clint replied.

"I got a truck the belongs to the lab that contains a high level of radiation" Natasha alerted. "I could take out the driver" Clint said. "Negative. The truck crashes, the gem could level out the whole city" Steve walked out, the 2 girls only following closely behind.

"Melody, do you think you can teleport us on top of the truck?" Steve looked back at Melody. "I just have to see where" She nodded. "Send me the coordinates" Steve spoke to the comms.

Ryan heard a buzz coming off Steve's watch. "Here" He handed her the coordinates. "In 1.. 2.. 3" Melody counted down and teleported out of the lab and on top of the truck. "Hold your balance" Steve called out before launching himself behind the truck. "No no no, leave me alone!" She heard Ultron speak before blasting the doors.

"God save us" Ryan prayed before sliding down the truck's windshield and grabbing the mirror's stem before crawling into the window and taking a seat next to the robot.

Guess climbing trees has it's benefits

The robot stared at her for a moment before attacking her by shooting a blast which she dodged by creating a black shield. It kept shooting blasts while Ryan kept putting her shield up. She leaned forward and opened the door and pushed the robot through. "I have control of the truck" Ryan spoke into the comms as she moved and sat on the drive seat. "Good, just keep the control"

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