The Great Escape

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A/N: GUESS WHO'S HOME? Me. Me is home. Italy was great and, for me? Kinda awful at the same time. The damage in my legs makes it very painful to walk for more than two or three hours on end (which normally isn't a problem, I sit a lot.) so all the four-five hour walking tours kinda screwed me over.
Walking Tour of Venice: not only was it raining, but my right knee and ankle started acting up.
Walking around Venice just cause: sooo much heel pain...
Walking tour of the Vatican (Pope's house thing): I screwed up my hip about five minutes into that one, limped all the way through the church. Fun.
All my other tours were okay. So that means... 1:1 ratio of crappy things to good things. -_- Fun right?

Eggsy drives me home, the two of us wallowing in our pity. Just because we couldn't shoot the damn dog doesn't mean we don't deserve a spot. We arrive in front of my flat, about a block away from Eggsy's. We could walk on the streets, but instead of that, we race across the rooftops of the three buildings in between ours. We practiced on one building's staircases and balconies of my building. I kiss Eggsy on the cheek and give him a giant hug. He kisses my scalp softly.
"No matter what your dad says, I love you and always will love you. Okay?" He whispers.
"Okay. I love you too. No matter what your step-dad says," I mumble into his strong shoulder. He finally releases me, and I hop out of the car, dragging Oakley out of the back seat. I hop up the steps to my apartment and unlock the door, flinging it wide open and ushering my puppy in. Immediately, my dad collars me. I smell alcohol on his breath.
"YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST DISAPPEAR FOR A WEEK WITH THAT BOY AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO COME BACK?!" He roars, throwing a punch at my left cheek. He proceeds to attack me, beating the crap out of me, before I knee him where the sun don't shine and he drops me, howling. I run with my dog into my room, locking the door to protect him before unlocking and crawling out of my window. I balance on the sill, reaching for the roof. I swing myself up and carefully race the course Eggsy and I planned out to reach the roof directly in the middle of our buildings. I plunk down and place my head in my hand, letting out a small sob. I feel a set of familiar arms wrap around me, and a small, wet nose brushes my hand. I slowly peer out of my fingers, and see JB sniffing my hand. I pull my hands away and lean into Eggsy and let him comfort me. He looks down and carefully touches all of my bruises, placing a small kiss on each one, before reaching my swollen and bleeding lips and kissing those too. I remain silent through this whole process, keeping my eyes closed.
"Drunk?" He whispers. I nod. "Mine too," he concludes with a sigh. I open my eyes to find out that his face is just as ruined as mine.
"You're all I have now," I whisper.
"And you will always have me."
"Do you want to run away? Maybe Harry has an extra room."
"Yeah. Meet back here, with bags in ten?" I nod. He kisses my cheek lightly before we hop up and run back to our respective apartments. I swing back through the window, gathering up my things. Then I notice Oakley. Well, crap. How am I supposed to get a two hundred pound Bernese Mountain dog, out a window and across two rooftops? I muster all of my strength and push his fat butt out of the window. I ushered him around the balcony and down the stairs, tying him up before proceeding back to my room to gather my things. Hmmm... what do I need? I should raid my food cache... I pry up a floorboard and pull out seven cans of beans, two microwave Kraft Dinners, a chocolate bar, some peanut butter and, of course, some Nutella. I toss them into my biggest duffle bag and then throw in my clothes and all of my money, which amounts to... twenty pounds and ten pence. Great. I slither out the window and hop across the rooftops with my bag slung over my shoulder. I reach the middle, to find Eggsy with a similar duffle bag with JB's head poking out the top.
"Where's the mutt?" Eggsy laughs. I point at the stair post I tied him to. Eggsy nods. He takes my free hand and we run down from the rooftops and towards Harry's home.

My LancelotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ