Kings Cross

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Elizabeth stared at the speckled owl that was staring directly back at her. She and Remus had finished all her shopping the other day and as a gift, he gave her the speckled owl. He told her that the owl would come in use at Hogwarts. Apparently, they didn't use a regular type of mail with stamps; Owls delivered mail. She also discovered that in England mail was called post.

"Still can't think of a name for him?" Remus asked amused as he watched the little girl.

"I think he looks like an Owlet," Elizabeth said, breaking her eye contact with the owl that hooted in protest.

Remus smiled and handed her a piece of paper. "That is your train ticket." He explained as she looked at the ticket.

"Platform nine and three-quarters?" Elizabeth asked puzzled. "I might be only ten years old and only been on the train once, but I know there is no such thing." She stated adamantly.

Remus walked over to the back of the trolley that carried all of Elizabeth's things. "Elizabeth, would you mind sitting on the bars of the trolley please?" he asked politely. Elizabeth looked at him questionably before agreeing. With a little help from Remus, she was sitting securely next to Owlet's cage. Remus began to push the trolley slowly and then quickly picked up the pace. Elizabeth turned around to see where Remus was navigating the trolley.

"Remus," she said, nervously. "You do know there is a huge pillar in the direction you are walking?"

Remus smiled, "I know." He said simply and before Elizabeth knew it the not-so-busy train platforms of 9 and 10 disappeared before her. She heard a loud steam engine blow and she quickly whipped her head around to see a sign. The sign read Hogwarts Express 11:00 am. She looked back at Remus who was smiling. "This is platform 9 and 3/4 . "he said matter of factly. "All you do is walk into the barrier between platforms 9 and 10 and that is how you get here." He explained.

Elizabeth nodded her head to indicate that she understood and started to look around the platform. She could hear the hooting owls, meowing cats, and the scrapes of the trunks being dragged along with the babbling crowd. She saw children hanging out of the compartment windows saying good-bye to family. Some students had their school uniforms on already. She saw a family of redheads being handed sandwiches by their mother.

Remus began to push the trolley further into the crowd and nearer to the family of redheads. Suddenly, Elizabeth was in the earshot of the family.

"Look after Ron," the mother said sternly to the two redheaded twins.

"Don't worry," one of the twins replied. "Ickle Ronnykins is safe with us."

The youngest son who must have been Ron said, "Shut up!" and caught Elizabeth's eye. This made the boy blush crimson, almost the color of his own hair.

"Elizabeth," Remus said pulling her out of her awe of seeing an actual Wizarding family. "I've put your things on the train, you do not have to worry about them because they will be taken to your dormitory." He continued, "Halfway through the train ride students begin to change into their school robes. Your uniform is in your knapsack along with your Wizarding money." Elizabeth nodded. "I want you to take care of yourself and remember that no matter what anyone says, your father was a good man and that you come from a good family."

"He's that well known?" she asked, putting her backpack on her back.

"I know I haven't told you much about him, but believe me he was an honorable man. You will run into people who think otherwise and I want you to disregard them." He shook his head of negative thoughts and beamed at the little girl in front of him. "I want you to have a wonderful time at Hogwarts. They will be the best years of your life."

A few more words from Remus and an emotional goodbye and Elizabeth was making her way through the train to find an empty compartment. She was determined to sit all the way at the end in the last compartment as to be lucky to sit by herself. When she reached the last compartment a dark-haired boy with glasses already occupied it. She smiled shyly at him and decided to take the empty compartment next to his.

Elizabeth sat in the compartment by herself staring outside at the Wizarding families saying goodbye to their children. Suddenly she heard a tap on the compartment door. It was the boy who she had seen earlier running after a toad.

"Sorry, but everywhere else is full." He said shyly. "Do you mind if I sit with you?" he asked.

"Sure," Elizabeth replied and the boy sat down across from her.

The two remained quiet, watching the rest of the students boarding the train and families leaving. When the train started to move another girl joined Elizabeth and the boy with the toad. She had bushy brown hair and rather large front teeth. She was already dressed in her Hogwarts uniform. She sat quietly next to Elizabeth with her hands in her lap. Elizabeth could see from the corner of her eye that the girl kept looking from Elizabeth and the boy.

"I'm Hermione Granger." The girl finally said breaking the silence. "I'm a first-year." She added.

"I-I'm N-Neville Longbottom." The boy with the toad said nervously.

"I'm Elizabeth Black," Elizabeth said, after Neville. "First-year as well."

Hermione narrowed her eyes at Elizabeth. "Your accent is different." She said. "You're not from England."

"I'm from America," Elizabeth said.

Hermione's eyes brightened up. "That's brilliant." She said smiling, "My parents know some American's. They're dentists, my parents that is. I'm muggle-born. I've read all my schoolbooks and a few others for background information on the Wizarding world. It's really fascinating."

Neville and Elizabeth stared at Hermione as she continued her tirade of all the readings she had done before coming to Hogwarts. She had a bossy sort of voice Elizabeth noticed.

"What about the two of you?" she asked, finally finished with her biography.

Neville answered first, "I'm pureblood," He said nervously. "I live with my Gran."

"Pureblood?" Elizabeth asked curiously.

"It means that he comes from a family of only magical folk," Hermione answered. "I'm muggle-born because I come from parents who do not have magic."

Hermione and Neville looked to Elizabeth who swallowed. "I actually don't know what I am." She said shyly. "All I know is my father had magic, I know nothing of my mother."

"I'm sorry," Neville said sweetly.

The three began to talk freely after a few awkward minutes of silence. They got to know each other better and even shared a few chocolate frogs. Neville began to tell Elizabeth and Hermione more about the Wizarding world. The two girls were fascinated to hear about the daily lives of wizards and what they thought of muggles and their simple activities.

The train began to slow down which indicated their impending arrival at Hogsmeade station. Elizabeth and Neville quickly dressed into their school robes before the train came to a full stop. They were about to enter the world they would remain in for the rest of the year; Hogwarts. 

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