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I was devastated after mummy left with the angels.
I had to live in the city with my aunt Grace she was a strict woman unlike mummy but she wasn't mean.

On my first day of primary school I was in year 6. The children would always ask me what my father or mother did for a living it would leave a pit in my stomach for hours. I undoubtedly became the punching bag of My class. "Why is your hair like that" "why doesn't your mum pick you up" I would just ignore it as always suddenly one day a lad came up to me and introduced himself "hey I'm Paul! What's your name" "jack" "nice to meet you jack"

Paul was my only friend throughout school he would get picked on for hanging out with me but he still did. Paul came over to my house and met aunt Grace once we played in the woods for hours with Berry. Until some boys caught wind of our trips and decided to pay us a visit

"Hey homos what you doing"
"Leave us alone Micheal" Paul said
He was trying to act confident and brave but I knew he was scared
"Awhh you got a little kitty cat mind if I borrow it" he grabbed Berry by the neck all she could do was let out a helpless Yelp
"STOP YOUR HURTING HER" I screamed so loud but they just kept laughing. Michael slowly wrapped his hand round her neck and sharply twisted crack

I was in shock
Berry's lifeless body fell to the floor "b-b-Berry"i whimpered this can't be true she was all that's left of mummy she helped me all I remember after that is waking up in aunt graces room what happed where's Berry is she alright I said Frantically
"Now now child calm down"
Aunt Grace said sternly
"IS BERRY ALRIGHT" I screamed through tears

She didn't make it

A little lads tale //ANGST Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ