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I wake up and go have a quick shower. Snape will have his floo ready for me to leave. I slide on jeans, a white of the shoulder crop top and white vans. I brush and blow dry my hair. I go back out and mum left me cereal and tea. I dig in and once I finish, mum walks inside. "You will be leaving from this fire place" said mum. I nod and send my bags and owl over, Lyra. I smile and I hug mum bye. "Mum, be safe" I whisper into her ear. "I will" said mum. I step into the fireplace and take floo powder. "Hogwarts!" I yell. I soon arrive there and step out. McGonagall is standing there. "Welcome, Miss. Malfoy" said McGonagall. "Hi, Professor" I said. "Professor Sprout would have been here but her daughter is sick" said McGonagall. "I hope her daughter gets better" I said. "She will" said McGonagall. 

I grab my things and go to my common room. I go inside and go to the bedroom. I smile at my bed and unpack everything. I go down to the common room and sit down. I sigh and take out my books. I decide to read a fictional book and just enjoy the peace and quiet. I yawn and decide to go for a walk. I spot the Carrows. "Well, well Miss. Malfoy" said Mr. Carrow. "Hi, sir" I said. "Snape told us you'd be joining us, to keep an eye on you" said Mrs. Carrow. "I know." I said. "Your food will be served in your room, back to your common room" said Mr. Carrow. I nod and run to the common room. I go inside and sit on the sofa. I yawn and lie down. 

Dobby walks in with food. "Lady Malfoy, some chicken stew" said Dobby. "Thank you, Dobby" I said. He leaves and I dig into my dinner. I sigh and wish I had a friend. I really need a friend. I sigh and look at the wall. This is going to be a dark year. I sigh and go sit on the bigger sofa. I lie back and have a nap. 

For tea they bring me a burger and chips. I smile and then once I finish I decide to doodle. I decide at 11 to go to bed. The 1st of September is in 2 days. 

I guess this will be a dark year!

Double update!

Hope ya enjoy!

Lorna xx

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