Real World Troubles(Part 2)

Start from the beginning

(Owl)"I get protective of things I love and I can get angry easily.."

(Owl)"So Boder Ill be good with protecting Bowaev if you need me to :D"

(Owl)"Also Bobal Is my favorite member of the Bob gang :)"

(Owl)"And thats it!!"

(Bobal)"Ok Owl I know i've only met you for like 5 minutes but I can already tell we are going to be GREAT friends :)"

(Owl)"Well My house Is just around the corner we can all stay there until we can figure out how to get back In Amor's computer."

(Bofo)"Sounds like a plan!!"

(Owl)"Bobal....You're coming with me"


(Owl)"I have to show you something..hop in my car.."


In Owl's Car

(Bobal)"Ok where are we going?"

(Owl)"To Walmart.."


(Owl)"Because 1. My Mini fridge full of wine is almost empty.."

(Owl)"2. I ran out of lemonade Caprisuns so I have to get more."

(Owl)"3. A very important event took place regarding Bob and Bosip so I have to show you what happened."

(Bobal)"What did they do??And Owl why are you blushing?"

(Owl)".....They Kissed"

(Bobal)"THEY DID???"


(Bobal)"Owl you most likely don't know this but I have been wanting them to get together ever sense Bosip told me he liked him."

(Bobal)"But i've always been witnessing Bob's stupid antics so they never got to kiss each other.."

(Owl)"Well I think Bob knows that Bosip Likes him now Lol.."

(Owl)"Well we are here so lets go!!"

In the Walmart

(Bobal)"Ok So where did it happen.."

(Owl)"It was near all the check out lanes..Smack Dab in the Middle of the main Area."

(Bobal)"Owl....I think I found it...."

(Owl)"YO WHAT?!I knew like half the store saw it happen but I didn't think it would become a tourist attraction

(Bobal)"Im face timing Bosip I have to tell him lol.."

*ring ring*

*ring ring ring*


(Bobal)"Why do you Have a Vr headset on?"

(Bosip)"Oh Sorry me and Bowaev were playing Vr chat......Ok whats up?"

(Bobal)"Can you bring Bob over here?"



(Bob from a distance)"WHAT??"


(Bob)"Ok wassup Bobal.."

(Bobal)"Remember The Walmart Incident?"

(Bob and Bosip)"Yep.."

*Bobal Turns his phone to face whats going on*


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