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the band was near the end of their show, roger was wiped out from playing for hours and he was struggling to keep on beat with his band mates.

he was sweating and out of breath, his hands were sore and he wanted to stop playing so badly, but he couldn't. he was being watched by thousands of people who spent their own money to watch him, the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint.

but surprisingly, the pain in his arms and the heat from the constant movement weren't the only things keeping him ditracted from his drumming.

his eyes always found their way to john and his shaking hips that seemed to be calling roger's name. john would dance and bop around stage, sometimes stepping up on to the drums platform, and everytime john would look at roger and give him a smile. on most days, roger would smile back to him because the whole band was always cheery to be performing and having a blast, but roger was frustrated to no end this night. and john being himself while on stage was not helping.

roger felt a bit guilty for being distracted by john's dancing, and more specifically his moving hips, but he partly blamed john for moving in such a way in the first place. roger figured that john knew what he was doing.

but now, they were playing the last song in their line up, the show was almost over. the aching in his hands would finally get a rest and the cool temperature of backstage would be waiting for him. he was just ready to get away, he was angry that he couldn't focus. he felt that he could be playing better.

finally, the show ended. roger stormed off stage, giving the crowd a brief wave goodbye. the other members stood blowing kisses and bowing to the crowd, but roger wasn't having any of that.

he carelessly threw his drum sticks to the ground and paced around backstage. he wiped some of the sweat off his face and he looked himself in the mirror, disappointed.

after the crowds started leaving, the band packed up their belongings and waited for their crew to gather up their instruments. they were drove back to the place they were staying in. it was a rented out suite, it had enough rooms for everyone and included an activities room where they all mainly hung out.

once they arrived and settled in, they all gathered themselves in the activities room. it had a large couch and a television, but it was turned off. brian noticed roger's distress by the way he was rapidly bouncing his leg. "are you alright?" he asked hesitantly.

roger glared at him, sighing, "no, i played like shit." he spat, holding his face in his hands.

brian, who was sat next to roger, gave him a pat on the knee, "roger, you did fine. just cool it, okay?" he reassured, "the concert is already over, there's nothing to worry about anymore."

john decided to step in as well, "yeah we all did good tonight." he said with a rather forced smile. he meant it though.

roger lifted his head to glare at john, doing so in a way that nearly scared him, "deacon, i don't really want to hear from you right now." he said bitterly, turning his direction away from the group.

john scoffed, clearly offended. "now what the hell did i even do to you?" he asked angrily.

roger let out a hysterical laugh and drew his eyes back to john who was growing more pissed as roger kept laughing. "you're a fucking tease, john." he smiled, but not in the joyful way. he was just as pissed at the bassist.

freddie's jaw dropped, almost dramatically. brian and him sat back in amusement at the argument, not wanting to interfere.

john looked hurt, "excuse me, i'm a what?" none of the bandmates had ever seen him this angry or offended before. he looked like he could break out in tears or kill someone at the same time.

𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 ಌ 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ