Cloud Inc One-Shot

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Cloud Inc looked at herself once again in her slightly-old mirror. Did she really look okay? She couldn't be for sure, and certainly wasn't going to ask anypony else, so she told herself firmly that it was fine and moved to the other side of her small bedroom. What to wear? A dress? Nah, too girly. A hoodie? Too gangster. A jacket and sweatpants? She'd look like a homeless-pony!

She finally settled to just go with her hoof-bands and choke necklace. She considered putting her fake ring in her ear, but decided against it. She didn't want to look completely emo.

Cloud Inc didn't really like parties. They weren't her thing, since she wasn't into the whole "social" thing, and the music was always too loud, and ponies always got drunk. For a second, she couldn't remember why she was going; then she remembered: Spitfire would be there.

Spitfire had been her obsession ever since she was little. When she was a filly, she would pretend she could fly like her, doing fantastic maneuvers and daring dives; when she got older, she started reading magazines with every drip of gossip about her. Now, she's finally reaching marehood, and even though she's stopped reading the tabloids, she still makes sure she's at every event Spitfire's attending.

Cloud wouldn't admit it, but after a few years, she started to develop some kind of crush for Spitfire. At first, she wasn't even aware of it, but after a few unexpected lady-boners when she heard Spitfire's voice over the radio, she realized just how must she liked her. To her, Spitfire was the perfect mare: perfect body, perfect teeth, perfect hair, perfect flying skills, and a perfect personality...

Cloud snapped out of her thoughts and checked the time on her wall clock. She still had plenty of time before the doors to the club opened, but she suddenly panicked. What if Spitfire didn't show up? Would she go home? What if after she left, Spitfire actually came, and she wouldn't get to see her! Would she have the courage to talk to her, after all these years? Would she faint and make a fool of herself, or would she finally have a marefriend to cherish fore-

Cloud shook her shaggy mane and nickered to herself. Calm down, Cloud, she thought sternly. You can do this. Opening the door with her magic, she walked cautiously out and closed the door quietly behind her. She would make sure this would be a night to remember.


As two pony guards opened the doors to the club, Cloud's ears were assaulted with pounding bass, and she quickly plugged her ears with her magic.  It was a nifty trick she had learned after he realized how much she didn't want to talk to other ponies.  Bowing quickly to the guards, she trotted inside, feeling the wave vibrations ripple off of her from Vinyl Scratch's bass cannon.  One day, she thought, that's going to kill somepony.

She tried to squeeze past the crowd, but ponies were everywhere, and Cloud was tossed about until finally she threw herself towards the snack table.  She may be a unicorn, but she had never gotten the hang of teleportation like Twilight Sparkle had.  Sighing with relief, she poured herself a glass of punch and sipped it, turning to watch the other ponies have fun.  She might as well enjoy the sight until Spitfire showed up.

As she sipped her punch, she heard the clip-clop of hooves come towards her, and she moved to get out of their way, but a voice stopped her in her tracks.  "Hey, this spot taken?"

Cloud glanced upward, and there she was:  Spitfire, captain of the wonderbolts, and the most beautiful mare Cloud had ever seen.  Her flaming orange hair sparkled in the disco light, and her golden eyes looked curiously at her.  Cloud couldn't find her voice; Spitfire was even more perfect in person.

My Little Pony One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora