Don't pity me for long

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Jack was scared to say the least, he was in a large room that has bloodied whips and what looks to be a tub. Jack's face went pale, "W…What are you gonna do to me?" Veronica smiled crookedly, "Just gonna give you a bath, you need it. It smells like you haven't showered in 9 days." He narrowed his eyes, "Hey, it's a science experiment I'm doing." Veronica shook her head and walked him to the tub, pushed the other to his knees so that his collarbones were at the same level as the tub. 

Jack felt Veronica's hand on the back of his neck as she leaned down, "You ready?" She whispered into his ear. 
Before he had time to respond he suddenly felt a hand in his hair and his head was dunked into the tub filled with cold water. He couldn't hear a thing except for his muffled grunts as he tried to fight against the hand that held him down. After what felt like hours his head was forced back up and out of the water. 

Jack's shoulders shake as he gasps for breath, "P…plea-"  He was cut off as he was submerged again. It was for longer this time. He could feel the darkness tugging at him but before he could succumb to it he was pulled back out. His whole body was shaking, "W…Why.." Was all he could mutter. 

Veronica leaned in, "Why? Well that's easy.. Revenge." She shoved Jack's head back into the water so violently that his head hit the bottom of the tub.
Jack passed out, his body going limp. Veronica sighed and pulled him out. She let the other collapse to the ground. 
She rolled her eyes, "Brooks take him back to the other's, we'll bring him in here again tomorrow." Brooks nodded and picked up Jack's limp form, bringing him back into the room with Ryan, Joe and Adam.

Ryan was pacing back and forth. He had been ever since his younger brother got taken. Joe tried to help him as best he could but Ryan didn't stop, he couldn't until Jack came back. He stopped as soon as he heard the door open. He looked over and saw Brooks toss Jack in. Adam ran over to check on Jack as Ryan ran for the door but the older man was faster, locking the door before he could get to it. 

Brooks just chuckled behind the door and walked back down the hall. Ryan sighed, turning his attention toward Jack, Joe, and Adam. Adam had torn off some of his shirt to clean Jack's head wound while Joe was trying to wake him up. Ryan notices that Jack was wet. He tensed, "Oh my god.. They waterboarded Jack." Ryan muttered out loud.

 Joe glanced at Ryan with sadness. Ryan went over to the three and sat down. He pushed some of the soaked hair out of Jack's face. Ryan hated this. He felt tortured and it wasn't because of what he himself went through. He noticed some movement behind his brother's closed eyes, hearing a small groan. 

Jack groaned as he slowly woke. The first thing he felt was a pounding headache. He opened his eyes carefully and the second thing he noticed was Joe. "J..Joe?" His voice roughed out. Joe nodded, "Yeah, it's me. Hey, J." He gave a small smile. "W..wheres my b..brothers?" He asked softly. "We're right here, bud." Jack heard a voice to his right. It was Adam. "Ads.." Adam gave a smile in return, "Nice to see you awake, J." 

Joe watched as Jack gave a little nod. He looked toward Ryan who had a guilt ridden look on his face. "Ryan.." He put a hand on his shoulder. Jack turned over and noticed this, "Ry, I'm okay.."

Ryan shook his head, "You're not okay! You just got waterboarded!" He felt Joe run his shoulder a bit. He took a deep breath in and out, "You got waterboarded Jack.. You got tortured..because," He gripped his own hands tightly, "because of me. She used you to torture me." His voice cracked. 

"Ryan, how do you know that? You don't know that, she could have tortured him just because she's a psychotic bitch." Adam looked at Ryan. Ryan looked back at Adam with tears falling, "Yes..I do know that. I know how she me." He felt Joe's hand move from his shoulder to his hands that were clamped together, rubbing them softly. 

"Guys… Ryan is right, she tortured me to torture him as revenge.." Jack frowned. Ryan turned his head toward the wall, hating that he was right. He closed his eyes tightly, "Fuck!" He yelled.

Joe jumped a bit at Ryan's yell. He moved his free hand to Ryan's chin, guiding it to face him. "Ry, hey… We will figure out a plan to get out of here. Okay?" He saw a dust of red shade on the other's cheeks. Oh. He didn't realize how close they were. 

"O..okay.." Ryan gulped. He heard his little brother give a laugh. He backed away, shaking his head to get the blush from his cheek, "Ah, um, let's get to planning, yeah?" 

Adam gave a chuckle before nodding. He racked his brain as he looked around, "Well there isn't much in here except well…us." He frowned. "The only plan I can think of is..force." He saw Ryan shake his head, "Last time we tried that Jack got tortured." Adam let out a breath, "Look.. there's really no other option." 

Ryan furrowed his brow in thought, "Maybe there is another option.. In the torture room I saw gasoline and a lighter." He looked at everyone, "When one of us gets taken into there, Veronica and Brooks will start talking. Use that chance to throw them off guard and take the lighter and gasoline. Threaten them that you'll light the place up. They care alot about this piece of shit cabin and it should be enough to let you go." He gave a small smile.

"Are you sure that'll work?" He heard Jack say with uncertainty. Ryan shrugged, "I don't know..but it's all we have right now." Joe gave a nod, "Okay. Now we just wait I guess.."

Fifteen minutes went by and Brooks came in. He grabbed Jack by the arm and as Jack looked at his brothers and Joe he saw Ryan nod. Jack nodded back, not fighting back against Brooks as he is led out of the room and towards the torture room. 

He was thrown into the room, looking around and noticing the gasoline and lighter to his right. He heard Veronica and Brooks as they talked amongst each other. He took his chance and quickly got up as he made his way to his right. He grabbed the gasoline and lighter and turned around. He looked at Veronica and Brooks' shocked faces, "Let us go! If you don't, I'll set this place on fire." His voice shook a little from the adrenaline.

Veronica started to laugh, "No you won't." She rolled her eyes, "You don't want to kill your friend and brothers. This is just an empty threat." She scoffed. Jack narrowed his eyes. He poured some gasoline out onto the wooden floor, "It isn't an empty threat," He flicked the lighter and stared at them, "Bitch." He dropped the flaming lighter. He heard the gasoline light up, feeling the heat from the fire. 

"What have you done!" Veronica screeched. Jack could feel someone tackle him. He struggled against the person and kicked them off of himself. He got back up and ran out of the room not bothering to check if Veronica or Brooks was following him or not. He made it back to the room that held Joe and his brothers, unlocking the door and opening it quickly, "Hey..uh we need to leave, now."

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