Mo Zebei gently hugged Mu Wanqiu with his movements, and carefully placed her in Mu Hanxi's arms.

Under the scorching gaze of this person, Mu Hanxi's hands stiffened while lifting her clothes, she put down her hands and implicitly hinted: "You go downstairs first, and I guess my mother is ready for breakfast."

Mo Zebei sat next to Mu Hanxi instead, with a serious tone: "Don't worry, I will wait for my sister."

Mu Hanxi's expression was twitchy, a little indifferent.

Mo Zebei covered his mouth and laughed, and Mu Hanxi gave her a slightly embarrassed look.

Mo Zebei coughed slightly: "Sister, don't feel embarrassed, I haven't seen it before."

Mu Hanxi turned her eyes to look at her, softly speaking, acting coquettishly: "Good deed, just beg you, you go out and wait for me, okay?"

Mo Zebei's mouth was raised, and after straightening up, he bent over and kissed Mu Hanxi's earlobe.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Mu Hanxi continued to feed her breastfeeding, but her thoughts drifted back to the previous trance moment when she was half asleep and half awake. No wonder she felt that Qiu'er's strength in breastfeeding became stronger in her dreams. It turned out to be This person...

"Is Xiao Xi awake?" Professor Mu poured the cooked porridge into a bowl.

"Woke up, feeding Qiu'er." Mo Zebei went to the dining table with two bowls.

Mu Fu and Mu Hanxi came over to the table one after another, and several of them began to eat breakfast.

Compared with the sweet milk, this white porridge looked very pale. Mo Zebei held a spoon and stirred it in the bowl, and he was reluctant to take it.

Professor Mu glanced over. Before she could speak, Mo Zebei smiled twice and explained that the porridge was a bit hot.

"Then you will drink it later, now it's a holiday, don't rush to school to do experiments."

Mo Zebei blushed and lowered his head. He stuffed a small dumpling in his mouth and chewed bulgingly.

After breakfast, Mo Zebei went to Meng Yuanhao's place. This man really planned to get married after the beginning of spring, and now he has already begun to plan this matter.

"Do you think my wedding dress is Western-style?" Meng Yuanhao slid the photos on his phone to show Mo Zebei.

"Anything," Mo Zebei was a little absent-minded. After recovering, she said again, "You have to discuss this with Li Rong and respect the opinions of the other woman's wife."

"She said they all follow me."

Mo Zebei clicked.

Meng Yuanhao put down the phone, his expression hesitated slightly: "She originally wanted to study graduate school, I didn't agree."


Meng Yuanhao lowered his head: "I don't want to wait anymore, and I'm also worried that she won't marry me after graduate school."

Mo Zebei pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Do you think I am selfish?"

Mo Zebei was silent for a while, and finally only said: "When she gets married, if she wants to continue studying, don't stop her."

Meng Yuanhao nodded: "I see."

At eleven o'clock at noon, Mo Zebei was about to leave, but Li Rong insisted on leaving her for lunch before leaving.

Abduction Of the Female Teacher's Best Friend - MTL (101-210)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt