However to my surprise she was red, astonishingly so. I wondered if she had a fever or sunburn but seeing as she was fine a little ago i choose to discard the possibility .Just as I was about to continue the teacher came in.

He was an average built middle aged guy with a disciplined and strict aura around himself.

" Good morning class. I am Mashima Tomonari your homeroom teacher.As we don't change classes for three years i will be your homeroom teacher for three years. I will be teaching you all English." 

He then proceeded to explain about the S-system and said that you could buy anything in this school with enough  points which I  found very suspicious.

"Each point converts to 1 yen and each of you have been given a hundred thousand points for this month " for this month huh .Suspicious

Okay I'm gonna stop  acting like this since Unc-Chairman Sakayanagi already gave me some minor hints about the school system.

Audable gasps and cheerful sounds can be heared throughout the class seeing as how they are gonna receive such a large sum of muney every month.

Sensei spoke for while  begore informing about the opening ceremony ( am i wrong ? ) which was 20 minutes from now and left the class.The class went to an uproar after sensei left. Most were happy and excited while some were skeptical about what sensei said and the amount of points we received.

I turned towards my neighbor and saw that she was a little skeptical too.Oh well I don't have to worry about that however I can warn some people about it.

As i was pondering about what to eat for lunch a small girl stood up and started walking towards the podium. She tapped her cane in order to gather everyone's attention.The students turned towards her before being completely silent.

"Hello everyone, I am Sakayanagi Arisu. If everyone is okay I would like to lead the class in the future. As we are going to be classmates for three year how about introducing yourselves " She said signaling to proceed.

The students proceeded to introduce themselves. I found a few intresting.A grumpy girl named Kamuro Masumi, a creepy looking guy no offense of course who introduced himself as Kito Hayato, a girl who was constantly using her phone , i think her name was Yamamura Miki , a cute name to be honest .Beside them a some other guys also introduced themselves among Yahiko totsuka and Shibata Sō( yeah i decided to put him in class A just for a bro character). Of course my neighbor attracted a lot of attention introducing herself and the guys were staring at her which made her kind of uneasy,perverts.

 I was thinking how to introduce myself , should i go for a joke,nah that will look weird, then seriously, no! That's even worse.After thinking for a while i went for it. Here goes nothing 

" Good morning everyone. I'm Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.I like resding books and playing the piano. Though i may look like a insomniac, I am not exactly have insomnia .I hope to get along with all of you." I finished off with the same smile I showed to Nishikawa.

It seemed to have worked seeing as all the girls except one had the same expression as Nishikawa. Thanks for teaching me how to smile mom.Just as I was thinking that everything went well the devil had to destroy this moment of peace.

" A pleasure meeting you again Kiyotaka-kun " Yeah,she just had to call me by my first name. 

Arisu's statement dropped some kind of bomb upon the whole class. Thebouys were giving me jealous stares while the girls had a somewhat sad and jealous expression. She started walking towards me until I replied

" Sorry but do I know you?" Oh well i knew about her anyways but what's the harm in feigning ignorance.How you ask ? Oh well I spent a couple of months living with the Sakayanagis before. Of course nothing happened though.Yup totally nothing happened.

Wait she's not gonna say that right?Right?

" Oh how cruel of you to say that after all the time we have spent together.You wound  this young maiden's heart" she said wiping her imaginary tears. 

Sayonara Peaceful life.

Shouts and gasps were audible within the classroom once gain. Ohhhhhh, I just wanna sleep.

" I am looking forward to challenging you again Ki~Yo~Ta~Ka~kun"And after dropping that bomb she left the class as nothing happened.The class reluctantantly agreed and went towards the opening ceremony as well. 

" Yo , you wanna come with me?"I asked my neighbor who was in a world of ther own .

" Y-ye-Yes!" She replied .

I hope this won't get worse.



Yahallo everyone

So some days ago I was reading a fic by (kiyobaka 

where Shizuku was the main female lead and I kind of felt a little bad for Nishikawa ,So i decided to add her in my fic . How to you like the Oc? Well techically not an Oc but you get the point. 

I may add some other ships as well .

I was thinking of writing demon slayer x cote whre the demon slayer characters are in the cote world. Do you think I should write it? Cause it may cut my time which means less frequent updates.

And yeah for my horny fellas, I won't be writing any lemons soon. I may add some in the future but not know.The next chapter is gonna be about Kiyo and class D along with the midterms.

Since this chapter was kinda short I will try to upload today if possible so look forward to it and as always 


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