"It's okay...we all get carried away sometimes"

"Yeah but what I said is true" he stopped walking.

No one noticed we stopped, they continued to class.

"What do you mean?" I chuckled

"We can't fight this...I know you want to, so do I...but we can't"

"I know" I gave in, I know he's right

"But I would rather die trying than live for Voldemort, wouldn't you?" I smiled weakly

He let out a deep sigh and shook his head.

"Have I told you how completely insane you are?" he smirked, throwing his arm around my shoulder and continued walking to class.


"So tell us what you got?" Pansy sat down on the couch of the common room.

"When the snow starts to stick...that's when we'll leave" Emerson started

"Before Christmas?" Milo bucked

"It's the only way I can think of getting out fast and unscathed." Emerson sighed

"I think it's a great idea" i spoke up

"I agree..it'll give us enough time to tell our parents" Blaise nodded

"El and I discussed where we would travel to..she had a great idea" Emerson winked, encouraging me to stand up and tell my part.

"Well...I want you guys to think about the long run, the place I think we would be safe and thrive without worry..." I drew in a long deep breath.


"America!?" They said almost in unison.

"How would we manage to get to America without a single drop of evidence?" River testified

"We already discussed the details...trust us" Emerson spoke

"This is completely bonkers!" Milo spat

"Are you both mad?" Pansy followed

"This would be impossible" Blaise agreed

"I think they've got a point" Draco's fingers tapped the armchair of the couch

"You agree with them?" Blaise scoffed

"I do...if we want any chance to survive, America would be the place to go. Think about it, they have a ministry of magic there; it's completely separate from the one here. Voldemort wouldn't think twice about us going to America of all places. We could pull this off" Draco continued.

Everyone began to twist in their own thoughts.

"Okay...let's do it" Milo plopped down into his seat

"If this ends badly...I'll kill all three of you" Pansy joked

"You won't have to, if this ends badly...we're all dead" Emerson laughed.


The next day: 7:30 am

"I think the girls and I are going to Hogsmeade to do a bit of shopping, do you want to join us?" Pansy slid a shirt on.

"I better stay, I have a potions test to study for, I'd say I'll be in the library all weekend" I sighed

"I thought about studying...but why care for school when we're dying soon anyway" she winked, opening the door.

"Never thought of it that way" I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"I'll see you around noon then El? love you!" She blew a kiss

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