" Uma! Can we turn back? This place is scrappy.... Ah! Something touched me", his whining was loud enough to wake the dead and I started to lose the little bit of patience I had without Harry. " I touched you! Now come on! We are almost there", I ordered as I yanked him further into the darkness but suddenly a voice boomed through the cave. Gil's screamed once again and it made me jump. " WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!", said the echo in a calm voice. I smiled to myself, knowing that he was coming. " Hi Dad!", my voice echoed as I walked faster. Footsteps echoed from the other side and I knew that my father was coming closer and closer. " He's coming!", I whispered to Gil as he followed behind me like a scared puppy. " Yeah, no kidding", he was clearly scared and I couldn't blame him. My dad was the most powerful villain on this Isle. " I heard that! Son of Gaston!", my father's voice echoed loudly as he got closer and that sent a shiver down Gil's spine. His blue eyes met mine as he lead us deeper into his den.

Harry's POV

I followed closely behind the girls as I listened to them go on and on about formal dining. All this I already knew but out of respect, I stayed quiet and listened. Upon arrival, I knew what was expected of me when I stepped foot into the palace, change. Not just me clothing but me personally as well. I had to be more gentleman like but never forget who I am in the inside. My new clothing made me look good but my only issue were the pants. They were skintight but it's the best Evie was able to do on such short notice. I was thankful for the new clothes but.... oh! BLOODY HELL with these pants!!! I was about to take my hook and rip a hole by the knees but a shout stopped me from doing as I very much wished. " Harry!",Evie's voice was cross and my hook froze only inches away from the fabric. " You may rip them. AFTER dinner but for now. Please try to keep yourself princely like", she gave me a look that softened my features. Zarina walked ahead of us and stopped at the large doors. She wagged her tail and pushed me on with her head. " Ready, Harry?", the girls asked and I gave a confident nod. The doors opened to us and we entered. King Ben stood from his seat as well did Bell and Beast. As I got closer, I could see how much Ben looked like his mother. " Mother, Father. I would like to introduce you to Harrison James Hook", I bowed to them and kissed the back side of the Queen's hand. This simple jesture didn't go unnoticed as Queen Belle was pleased with my hand kiss.

I was seated beside Evie and in front of Carlos. The setting was quite simple but would be quite complex for anyone who hadn't done formal dinning before but thankfully for me, I had a lifetime of practice. I was one of the most educated children on the Isle. As my father personally saw that I was homeschooled. Learning how to sword fighting, navigation and other useful things as written and readings. I learned a great deal from my father and it's one of the "best things", he's done for me apart from making sure that I never went to bed hungry. A lot of silverware was infront of me apart from plates and glasses. The key was to work your way in by starting with the outer silverware. Each fork, spoon, plate, glass and knife had a purpose. A basket of bread was pasted around and I took one roll as it would be inpolite to take more than my fair share. I broke the bread and delicately covered a piece with butter. It was warm and soft but the flavor was unlike anything I have ever tasted. Next, was a light chowder with corn. I did not slurp but carefully lifted the spoon to my mouth as I kept my thoughts to myself. Cutting each piece of my meat as I went along and kept gental eye contact with everyone in the room. Everything was going well so far. Yet, as I ate my thoughts went to my princess of the sea. I hoped that she would have a meal tonight.

Mal' POV

Harry's beautiful ocean blue eyes softened as he looked up. He smiled softly as he chewed but he didn't involve himself in conversation. He would honor me with a quick gentle gaze but nothing more. His primary focus was eating and finishing everything on his plate. He even ate the greens during the first course but his eyes glowed at the taste of the spongecake. It was no surprise as the last course was always the best part of dinner. My eyes followed him as he politely exhausted himself and left the dinning table. I looked to Evie but she placed a hand on my wrist and told me to let him go.

Harry's POV

I went back to my room and tore a bloody hole below the knees. My hook handled the job nicely as my mobility returned. I took off my clothes until I was left with only my underwear. Without another thought, I allowed my body to fall into the mattress. I felt Zarina nuzzle again me at some point in the night but soon my dreams became reality. I woke up around midnight and found a blonde haired girl asleep at my side. She was beautiful, her skin light and soft to the touch. I couldn't help my actions as my hand gently touched her beautiful face. Her lips were pink and I felt a small chill as she got closer to me. I was tempted to kiss those soft lips but most of all, I wanted to make her mine. I had never had this desire before, only for my captain but this desire was beyond me.I kissed her softly and fell back into my deep sleep. As that's what it was, a dream.

Hade's POV

Raising children was never my true brand. Despite that, I had eyes all over the Isle to watch over my children even when they thought I've abandoned them. Yes, children. As in, two. Two girls to be correct. Both of my girls were conceived the same year but born in different months. I help from time to time when I see fit but I prefer for them to learn to be strong. My attention would just make them softer and weak. I rarely leave my den but that to all my eyes and ears around the Isle. I knew what was going on. The son of Hook had been taken by my first-born, Mal. She had sweet side for him which pleased both me and James himself. What I didn't except was for both of my daughters to fall for the same boy who hasn't even grown into his full flame. I wasn't entirely happy that this boy took their innocents but to my understanding, it wasn't forced. When my little squid Uma, came to me. She told me about the current events with full detail. I had no advice to offer. Only the same thing I told my little dragon before she left the Isle for the first time. " Let the magic within you be your guide. Don't be fooled by his debonair act". The hook boy had mostly every girl on the Isle under his charm. Too bad he was on the other side, protected by the barrier. Once I get out of here, there would be no place for that boy to hide from my flames. I want his soul among the dead.

Wow! Hades is not playing around. He truly dislikes Harry. Will he ever get out? Harry, who was that girl you kiss? Keep reading to find out!!!
- Izzy

Love On The Isleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें