"That's Dwayne Robertson. From Austin. He's the best puck-handler I've ever seen." Tibbles informs us.

"You mean for his age?" Gordon asks.

Tibbles shakes his head, "No, I don't."

The rest of the kids go by in a blur, a pretty goalie lady nicknamed The Cat, an olympic figure skater named Ken Wu, and finally a big buff kid named Dean Portman who danced around to music and shoved people around.

That pissed the Ducks off and the new kids and the Ducks all got in a big argument. Let me tell you. Made my day.

It was funny to watch everyone argue with each other for no reason. I laughed until Gordon blew his whistle and yelled, "Everybody freeze!" I walked towards him, now realizing that I was the only one standing alone. "Now, we didn't come here to fight. We came here to play hockey. We're team U.S.A. You represent your country."

"That's right." Tibbles interrupted.

"Now I want you-"

"To be all that you can be right. You gotta raise yourself up, guys! You gotta-" Tibbles raised his hands up in surrender when he realized he had cut off Gordon.

"All right, now. Let's start with a scrimmage."

"Great, scrimmage!" Tibbles blew into his whistle before Gordon got the chance to. "You heard your coach, now get-hey, you don't need me here. I've got an appointment anyways, I've got to see Mrs. McKay. She's the team tutor."

Tibbles started to walk away until Gordon called out, "Don," Gordon held out his hand, "Come on," Tibbles put his whistle in Gordon's hand, "You'll get it back at the end of the school term." Everyone giggled at that.

"Alright Ducks," he continued, "Show 'em what you got. Lets scrimmage!" and then he blew into the whistle.

I followed him as we moved into a spot where we wouldn't get rammed into on the ice, "You do realize you just blew into Tibble's whistle, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I realized that as soon as I did it. Got any water?"

"Nope." I answered leaning over the railing as I watched the game start.

Only seconds into the game, Mendoza started to skate towards the goalie, "GOLDBERG LOOK OUT!" Gordon yelled from besides me.

Goldberg tried to get Mendoza to slow down but he couldn't and rammed straight into him, "This guy's gotta learn how to stop."

"Hey man, thanks for breaking my fall." I heard Mendoza say.

"Anytime." Goldberg replied sarcastically.

The game continued, bodies being thrown around and the puck being shot around, "I forgot how violent hockey is."

Gordon chuckles from besides me, "I didn't."

We keep watching as a group of the kids slam into the barrier, trying to move the puck out, "Come on, dig it out of there!" Gordon encouraged. The red head that had fallen before, that I now saw the name as being Averman took off his helmet next to us, "Haven't you guys been training in the off season?"

"You know, I knew we forgot something." Averman answered while chugging on water. I smiled at his answer and looked back to see Adam making a goal as Gordon cheered from besides me.

"Is he your favorite or something?" I asked.

"He's just the best." Averman answered before skating away.

Everyone started to yell something about Fulton and I watched as the puck bounced around the rink before flying straight into Don Tibbles's forehead.

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