Disclaimers, About the Author, Whatever Else

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Hi! I'm not gonna say my name just uh call me C (pronounced like see idk how to spell it out, its similar to my real name but yeah) anyway my pronouns are she/her, and I absolutely LOVE Disney Pixar's Luca! (By Enrico Casarosa) I've seen it probably 13 or more times, I'm not exaggerating. Wow I sound so stupid like one of those 35 year old mom's who have those baking pages. Anyway I like writing (even though I suck) and I love Luca so . . . you see where I'm going with this . . . anyway.

This isn't really a fanfiction- I mean it is, because I am a fan and this is technically fiction, but I'm not really going to be making up a whole separate storyline? It's more like I (in my own way, opinions, and thoughts) am going to be filling in the missing puzzle pieces and answering the unanswered questions presented to viewers when watching Luca BYYYYY narrating the story from the three main characters. I will be giving their thoughts, the way they see things, the things they notice, and some other information that isn't given in the movie. (That would be the part that is made up) But anyway, I will try to follow the actual storyline as best as I can, and don't worry I have a seperate tab open with Disney+ and Luca so I can have a reference. Oh also I'm like, legally obligated to make some disclaimers. Or something I don't actually know.

Here we go. I don't own the characters, the storyline, or any of the art/imagery I may include, I'm not s3xualizing any of the characters, if you make it s3xual you have a problem, yadayadayada. Okay enough talking, on to the story! WAIT SORRY LAST THING I PROMISE. Something I am constantly told to do when writing (mostly in school) is to be very descriptive, BUT I am letting you know that in Alberto's portion of the story, it may sound very childish BECAUSE I could NEVER see Alberto using the words that I typically would in writing. All right, now, I'm done. On with the story!!!!

(Sorry!!! I keep remembering stuff! Anyway you don't HAVE to read this but you may be able to help me! So I have no clue exactly how I am going to do the timeline. I mean like, should I just write the ENTIRE movie in Alberto's POV, and then move onto Luca then Giulia? Or should I release the same time and scene but 3 different chapters for each of the characters? Or should it just be random? I don't want it to be like Alberto tells this part, then the next part is Luca. For now I'm just going to write the first part for Alberto and then the same part but in Luca's POV, then do that up until Giulia comes in and uh idk IT'LL BE CONFUSING BUT TELL ME WHAT YOU GUYS WANT)

I'm so sorry, um, one more thing. (probably not the last actually) Sorry about any grammar errors or spelling mistakes or whatever. Please let me know in the comments how I can improve or if you see any mistakes. I'd like to know. Also I'm not sure if I can edit the chapters or whatever???? I've never written a story on wattpad, or well, I mean posted one. So I don't really know how anything works. ALRIGHT NOW I'M DONE READ ON! 

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