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Good morning Jungkook said to taehyung who wasn't fully awake jet

Taehyung: why are you awake is till very early?

Jungkook: uhmm let see because I have to go to work sleepi head., you know you remind me of one of my friend emm ha yonngi .

Taehyung: who is that , you know what never mind you go do your work and I'll stay at home and sleep.

Jungkook: don't you have a part time job

Taehyung: I hate you

Jungkook: I love you too my love

Taehyung: my..... love?

Taehyung was confused he was wondering if he heard wrong

You love me? Taehyung asked shyly

Yeah of course I do jungkook replied

What about my mom? Taehyung asked

I'll divorce her and then we can be together

(Wait what uhhh what the hell jungkook you are mine) (sorry guys just felt a bit jealous anyway let's continue with the story)

Taehyung was happy for a moment then reality hits

No!! What about my mom feeling she would be so sad she has always been there for me I can't do this to her taehyung said and ran out of the room.


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