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Your boyfriend Lando Norris, hope out of his car after finishing fp2. He was content with his performance but like always knew there was some room for improvement. After some press interviews he heads back to his driver room and checks his phone to see a message from you;
"I'm so insanely proud of you, you were incredible my love. Don't be too harsh on yourself <3"
Lando smiled, you always said the right thing. He replied;
"I wish you could be here, I miss you :( I can't wait to see you when I'm home".

After more interviews, conversations with his team about how to improve with fp3 and quali tomorrow and let's not forget some jokes with Danny Ric, Lando headed back to his hotel. He liked the drive there as it shown him the beautiful city of Austria but also he had some time for himself. He listened to his music and just drowned in the peaceful silence that occurred on his drive. When he arrived at the hotel, there were a few fans who wanted photos but after a few minuets he was able to make his way to his hotel room.

He swiped the card and opened the door. He was taken back by the smell of a feminine flowery perfume. He figured the cleaners must have sprayed some sort of fragrance mist when they did their fault clean. He walked through the door and closed it behind him. He proceeded through the corridor that led to the bedroom when he reached the end his eyes widened. He dropped his bag and ran to you who sat on his bed patiently waiting for him to get to the hotel. You also ran to meet him in the middle and embraced him. It had been too long since you seen him, you stayed like that for what felt like minutes. When you finally let go of him he smiled at you with that smile that fixes every problem.
You asked, grinning at him.
"I just didn't expect to see you. Why are you here? I thought you couldn't get too much time off work"
You let out a small giggle;
"I have my ways. I hated not seeing you and I love nothing more than surprising you"
He hugs you again;
"I love you more than you know"
You plant a light kiss on his lips.
"I could say the same to you. I adore you Mr Lando Norris"

Lando Norris ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now