Introductory Chapter

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i cant be bothered to spell or really make good descriptions so if u cant read it sucks to suck i guess anyways on with the story

 Dream stares at his keys. Is he really doing this? Sure, his boredom is overwhelming but perhaps he could just sit down and play Minecraft with Goggy Woggy and snapchat and the muffin guy that probably puts crack in his muffins, right?

No. A midinight walk was nessecery and plus it made him seem like a baddie. Maybe that would impress goggy. Finally, he unlocks his door and breathes in the fresh winter's air, it's cold and brittle outside yet that does not hinder him. Dream begins to walk down his road, all of his anxieties merging together in his brain as the fresh air begins to heal his broken ego after being completely anihalated by the communist bacon man like 6 months back. 4-6, 4-6. He still remembers it like it was yesterday. The pavement (im british ok) is slippery and at one point, he almost trips up, but then he manages to craft a boat midair and lands safely, what a chad.

He pulls out his phone and slips his earbuds in, listening to billie eyelash because he is currently on his deprassion arc because goggy woggy left him on read for the SECOND time today. Then, heatwaves begin to play and...he quickly takes his earbuds out. 

After a while of walking aimlessly, Dream takes a turn into a dark, abandoned alleyway - or so he thought...

'Ey man, you got the drugs?' 


'Why not, man?'

'Because my sister stole all of mine and i dont know where she's hid them.'

'tf you let your sister steal your drugs, ur a bad brother.'

'Say another word and twitter'll be at your door at 10pm tommorow night.'

'Okay, okay, man, it was just a joke! Look, i brung some anyways.'

Dream, despite his instinct telling him to turn back, run, run to the safety of your computer where your discord kitten goggy is awaiting you, but he instead creeps deeper into the alleyway, curious as to who the voices belong to. 

The voices get louder, 'this is CRAP. I thought you were the king of drugs!'

'Well it's not like your a king either, your a prince whilst ol' lizzie is the queen and not you!'

'How could be a queen?'

'Stop asking questions and just deal with the stuff we got, its your fault that you didnt bring the drugs!'

Dream hears the other guy sigh, 'Okay, fine, you're right. Lets just get on with it before the paparazzi come and find us!'

'Okay, okay man!' Dream hears the frantic lighting of a cigarette lighter followed by loud sniffing.

Dream etches further into the alleyway and could now make out two faces in the dim candlelight (yes they have a candle). One a pale raisin; the other with the Italian flag painted onto his face - or at least that's the flag Dream thinks it is. Focused on the scene ahead, Dream steps forward and trips on a tin (like i told u before I'M BRITISH) and dramatically falls to the ground like earlier, except this time he doesn't have a boat and lands on his back, his spine cracking painfully (imagine an egg shell being stepped on - that's the noise).

'What was that?'

'Shhhh, man - the paparazzi are here i think.'

'Ow -fu - I mean frick - gotta stay #pgfamilyfreindly Dream - my back is in pain help!' Dream cries out desperately,  oh how he wishes he stayed at home, replaying goggy's voicemail telling him to 'shove your hand up your bottom' after calling him fifteen times in the span of two minutes because his sandwich was looking at him funny over and over again. He sighs.

The Italian guy steps out from the darkness, 'Ay, ay, ay, man! What're you doing here in our alleyway, man? You tryna mug us? Tryna get a picture for da newspaper? Well I ain't lettin' that slip, man - square up!'

Dream groans, 'I'm not trying to murder you or anything - I just slipped and...' he trails off, suddenly filled with pure despair, 'and-' he sniffles, 'my beloved cheeto puff, my darling, my kitten Goggy his left me on read TWO times today,' he bursts into tears - what a sad, sad guy.

Italian guy is all mad and cross and whatever, 'I ain't buying that, man.'

'But it's TRUE!' Dream wails loudly, rocking back and forth on the ground.

'Wow, you got issues, man - I think maybe you've gotta let it go.' Italian guy soothes, sitting down next to him. He offers him a 20g bag of happy sugar, 'Here man, have some.'

Dream shakes his head, 'I- I- it's okay - I'm fine, I'm okay.' he sits up. 'Who - who are you?'

The Italian guy smiles, 'On crack.'


'I mean - I'm Mexican Dream - yeah, that's what I was meant to say...I just thought you meant something else but - Y'know what, never mind, who are you?'

'I- my names...Dream.' he mumbles, looking into Mexican Dream's eyes.

'Haha what a funny coincidence that our names...Y'know...' despite his best efforts, MD couldn't control the identity crisis he was going though. Was he just the Mexican replica of this guy? Was he all but a clone - not the real deal? Can Dream deal better than-

'Oi, MD, who's this?' the prune looking man steps out from the shadows.

'Just a minute man, I'm helpin' this guy out!' MD shouts back.

Dream sniffles, 'I think - it's okay, I think I need to go.' he stands up, his legs wobbling. 'I- I- think that, Y'know, I should leave you guys to sort out your relationship disputes with each other.' he begins to hobble the way he came. 'Bye guys.'

'What - what do you mean relationship problems?! We're not even together - and plus that's a bit rich coming from YOU! Yeah run away, go - we never wanted you here anyway!' Mexican Dream yells after him.

The other man sighs, 'You've really got to try and Y'know, shank anyone that comes down here - not make friends with them.'

'Well he's not my friend anymore - and you won't be either if you don't bring the goods next time.' MD sulks.

Hello it is me, the author. that's all i wanted to say honestly - look for new chapters soon unless if i forget about this. have a good day/night :D

Dream and the sussy alleywayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora