Chapter one: Who's Shadow?

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*Third person*

"Quack, Quack" they had turned Hawkeye into another random animal, this week it is a duck, last week it was a goat. Wanda and Nat had just walked early for a meeting to see the girls again, before they had to go to their rooms and wait till the meeting was over. Nat and Wanda would bring them food and drink (energy drink for Lilly and Coffee for Shadow), time to time saying they were going for a water break. Bella preferred to be left alone, she had her own secret stash anyway. Wanda and Nat smiled, and they gave the trouble making 16-year old's a hug, they then left to talk to Bella who these days spent most of her time in her private library, reading.

*5 mins later*

"Holy shit that was fun Shadow, only if dad was here to see that", Lilly laughed turning him human once again and giving her partner in crime a fist bump. "Good Job, Sista!", she commented smiling at Shadow. "Let's go get pop tarts", Shadow screamed, running to the kitchen unaware that Steve was their having just returned from a mission, he was talking with Tony and Bucky was there too, going through the fridge, he turned and smiled fondly at the girls walking in. "Do you know where the fuck my web shooters are, Shadow" Lilly screamed while running backwards into the kitchen, tripping backwards into her father. Tony turned and caught her, while Steve yelled "Language". Bucky laughed but Shadow just froze, she was too scared to move. She felt her breathing rising and started moving backwards, Bucky realised immediately what happened and yelled for Nat and Wanda. They came running downstairs. Shadow was on her knees shaking with her face in her hands. Wanda grabbed Shadow and pulled her into her arms playing with her hair, trying to calm her. Lilly was still too busy trying to grab the pop tarts to notice what was going on around her, when she turned around, she saw Steve looking confused, Bucky and Tony concerned, Wanda holding Shadow close to her and Nat getting a glass of water.

*Time skip brought to you by @FishGoddess being lazy*

"I can explain this" Lilly and Tony say at the same time "thanks dad you can do it than, I need to think of an excuse not to be here. Found out my web shooters need to be fixed again!" Lilly yelled wile backing out of the room "Get back here Lilly" Tony yelled but it was too late she was gone. 

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