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I woke up feeling nauseous this is not like me. Mariana  is still asleep  I texted Gael. 'Cant sleep can I come  snuggle with  you' he gave me a thumbs up. I head out quietly  to Gael loft. He opens it. "Come here." He says kissing me. We hadn't told people we are together again. We head to his bed I snuggled  up to him he wraps his strong arms around  me. We just fell asleep. A few hours later I felt him shake me. "Time to get up babe." He says  I rolled  over we kissed.  We both head downstairs. " I woke up and you weren't  there. Callie  we got to go see moms." She says. "Crap I forgot." I to my sister. "Are you two together?" Dalia  asks. "Yes we are. Mariana and I have a long drive ahead of us." I say. I go grab my stuff. I head out the door  Gael stops me pulls me close and plants a long and meaningful kiss on my lips I kissed back enjoying it. "Eh hem." Mariana clears her throat. "I'll see you later." I say he kissed  me one more we head  out. "That was gross. " She says. "What?" I asked. "Does  Jamie  know you moved on?" She asks. "No we haven't spoken. Can you stop  here I need  to pee." I say to her.  "Callie  have you taken a test  your having all the signs of a pregnancy." She says. "Fine let's do it now. " I said. If I am I don't know who  the father  Jamie or Gael. After a few mins I flipped it over. "So..." she asks "I'm pregnant." I say shocked. "And you don't know who the father  is." She says. "Exactly. " I say to her we arrived at mom's new place I saw Jeusus and his fiancee and I see Brandon and new sister in law  and Jude. "Hey sweeties!" Lena says hugging me. Then I saw Jamie. "What you doing here?" I asked him. "Sorry did you forget we are in laws too." He says. "Yeah  sorry got caught  off guard." I say sitting down. I see Mike and AJ I hugged AJ. "Callie hey." My mom stef says. "Hey mom." I say hugging her. "Oh my your  gaining  weight  you eating okay?" She asks.  "Yeah sorry I forget to eat healthy." I say  to her.  After an hour and half Mariana and I went home. We came in the coterie.  I had to Gael. I go to his loft. He sees me. "Hello  cutie." He says. "I'm pregnant  and Jamie was  there didn't tell him about  us and I don't know who the father is  you or him I don't know what to do." I say  in tears he just let me cry on him. "First we find out how far you are then a paternity test." He says kissing me. "Your not mad?" I asked. "No so glad your honest with me. We will figure it out." He says .

Callie and Gael good troubleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें