the door bell rang again after a while. "juyeon can you open it, im lazy", eric whined to the older one beside him.

juyeon sighed as he walked to open the door and reveal a twins doing some weird poses. "hi", juyeon greeted the moon twins before letting them in. before he wanted to close the door a loud scream can be heard.


"it's changmin", chanhee stated.

juyeon opened back the door as changmin entered with a smile, "i hope i didn't break your ears"

sunwoo and minah also came a while later. "everyone came?", eric asked as he started to headcount. "okay so uhh i guess welcome?", eric said and he got hyped by himself, "LET'S GET THE PARTY STARTED"

the crowd is silent.

"damn can you guys give attention"

everyone shouted and here's changmin with his dolphin voice cheering. chanhee and sunwoo who sit beside changmin covered their ears. "what are we gonna do now?", minah asked.

"we gonna... uhh... do you all wanna eat now first cause we booked a swimming centre from 9pm to 10.30pm later", juyeon said and everyone nodded their head.

"okay good let's eat first then", juyeon said. "anyone wanna cook?", he asked and everyone just looked at each other. "come on people im not going to cook for the 9 of you alone"

"i can help", jaeyoung said as she stood up. "another one more?", juyeon asked. "i can make dessert if you want", kevin said.

"sure", everyone else said in unison.

"what do you wanna cook for them?", juyeon asked the other two. "i can make cheesecake as dessert!", kevin exclaimed. "i can cook tuna fried rice and ramen", jaeyoung replied. "okay then ill grill some meat for them", juyeon said and the three of them went to cook.

the 7 others are waiting at the living room while just chatting literally any topics they have on their head. it was really random but crackhead.

"hey anyone wanna drink later?", eric asked as he earned a shoulder hit by minah. "we are underage dude", she chuckled. "well...", changmin said.

everyone looked at him.

"what?! i was just saying, i don't have the intention to drink anyways", changmin stated.

"do you know what's 89+18"

"is it 97", sunwoo answered.

"it's 117", hyunjae joked.

"it's 107 you two", chanhee answered as everyone else laughed.


the group of people arrived at the swimming centre they booked. all of them get changed and now currently gathering at the pool nearby.

"let's play a game on the pool shall we?", sunwoo suggested. everyone anticipated for his idea as they nodded their head.

"we will separate into 2 teams. each team will have a person to have a paper holding on their hand. the other 4 will have to protect the paper form getting wet. the 4 opponent will have to get the paper wet while the another one will be recording the time for them to get the paper wet. whoever lose will get punishment, decided by the winning team"

everyone agreed with him after some while thinking. they got separated into groups after having some rounds of rock paper scissor.

group 1: sunwoo, julia, kevin, eric, chanhee
group 2: hyunjae, jaeyoung, juyeon, minah, changmin

"ah nooo why am i separated from jaeyoung", sunwoo pouted as he went to held jaeyoung's hand. chanhee went to 'cut' them off from the holding hands as he pulled sunwoo to get ready for the defend.

everyone agreed to let julia hold the paper, "hey are you doubting me from not able to protect the paper? i can do this boys haha!"

round 1 started, jaeyoung is the judge as she doesn't want to get wet that much. minah is a strong opponent as she literally used her hands to slap the water surface causing water to splash to the opposite team. the three boys went closer to the protectors and splash them with water. julia protected the paper so well as she held the paper high and much water couldn't reach that level.

they took around 2 minutes to wet the paper when minah jumped up and made the paper spilt into half. one of the piece fall into the water while the other is easily get wet by hyunjae.

round 2 started where jaeyoung is the person who hold the paper while sunwoo is the judge. eric is a good attacker, he attacked them with big wave of water with the help of kevin. while chanhee and julia were slowly splashing water from the side for some water to fasten the speed of getting the paper covered with water.

round 2 ended in 1 minutes and a few seconds when eric got a hold of the paper from jaeyoung. "i guess the winner is group 1", sunwoo announced.

group 1 is currently discussing what punishment to give while group 2 is getting ready for it.

"we decided that we will throw the members in group 1 into the water", chanhee said and people in group 1 groaned while group 2 cheered happily.

"oh i will get a good record of this moment", kevin said as he went to took julia's camera.

the first person to get thrown into the water is jaeyoung. "get ready my angel", sunwoo said as he was carrying jaeyoung in a bridal style. jaeyoung nodded her head as she closed her eyes tightly. "3! 2! 1!!!", everyone cheered as jaeyoung got thrown into the water and sunwoo dive into the water too.

the second person is minah. "are you ready?!", julia and eric carrying her. "3! 2! 1!!", everyone cheered. "im not REadYyYYYyyyy", minah got thrown into the water while she was screaming out of joy. they laughed before they continue with the next target.

"here's the next person!!", eric said as he and chanhee both caught juyeon. "yah it was said that im the last", juyeon defended. "blah blah who cares now 1 2 3!!!", the two carried juyeon and thrown him immediately into the water. juyeon ran through his wet hair with his hand while laughing at eric for no reason.

"changmin!!!", chanhee chased changmin. changmin screamed with his dolphin voice before proceed got into the water by sunwoo and kevin. julia become the camerawoman as she's laughing so hard at changmin.

"okay i know i know it's me", hyunjae surrendered as he walked to the group. "3! 2! 1!!!", sunwoo scream and eric having so much fun throwing people into the water with kevin.


hello readers uhh my school will be reopen in a few days so i might not update daily hopefully you can wait for me uwu 😭

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