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I get up off of the bed and ran into the bathroom to puke waking Peter in the process. It's been happening for the past five weeks. I'm really starting to think I'm pregnant because I've been starting to get nauseous at random times at the day and my period is late. today I decided I'm going to get a pregnancy test to confirm my suspicions.

"Wanda are you okay" Peter said with the concerned as he held up my hair. "Yeah pete just not feeling good this morning" I said wiping the puke off my mouth "I'll get you some water" Peter said as he walked out the room. ' Peter is so caring too good for this world'. Peter walks back into the room with a glass of water and hand it to me. "Thank you" I said like I started to drink the water "better?" Peter said "Yeah better" I smiled at him as I finish the glass of water.

I kissed Peter cheek then walk back in my room to put back on my pants I then heard and knock at my door. "Wanda breakfast is finished" I heard Pedro yell from behind the door. "Okay coming!!" I yelled as me and peter walk out the room.

I walk into the kitchen and grab three pancakes "Woah somebody's hungry" Clint joke. I turn around to glare at him, as I sit on the couch to watch TV.

Everybody look surprised at how Wanda reacted. "So who's going to talk to her" Clint asked "Natasha" Sam said "Wait why me" Nat said "Well she trusts you more than everybody and you're her mom sooo" Steve said "You're her father and I don't know how to deal with a moody teen" Nat argue "You know I can hear you right" I said "Nat go talk to her" Clint said "Fine" Natasha then walked over sat next to me.

"Wanda are you okay. You usually don't mind Clint remarks" Nat said  concerned "I'm okay just having a really bad morning and my period started" I said as I continue to eat my pancakes "Wait wasn't your period supposed to come last week" Nat said "Yeah I have an irregular period. Oh and also can I go to the pharmacy to get some pain pills for my cramps" I said as I finished.'Well i am getting pain pills but I need a pregnancy test so I wasn't lying just a half-truth'. "Yeah sure just be safe okay l" Nat said "I will be careful mom. don't worry I can take care of myself" I said as I walked out of the kitchen to my room to get ready.

~Time skip~

I walked back into the Tower with the pregnancy test in the bag I've then bumped into someone. "Hey Wanda" Peter said with a smile "Hey pete" I said with a nervous laugh "What you got there" she said pointing to the bag."Oh this is for my cramps" I said holding up the bag."Oh well I hope you feel better" Peter said that he started walking away. "Wait!" I yelled he turn around to face me "Maybe later on tonight we can watch a movie" I asked nervously "R-really like a date" he asked blushing. "Yes like a date i-i mean if you want it to be" i said "I'll be up there in about 2 hours daaaa I mean Tony needs me in the lab" he said "Great I'll see you there partner" I said punching his shoulder "Yeah see you there partner" he said as he walked away. 'Really Wanda why would you say partner stupid stupid'.

I walked into my bathroom and took out the pregnancy test."So how do you do this" I said reading into the box "Oh you're supposed to pee on this" I peed on the stick and waited for the results.

20 minutes later I look at the results positive. My heart skipped a beat what am I supposed to do? how am I going to tell everyone? How am i going to tell to peter? Does he even want a kid? 'Okay Wanda, come down it's not good for the baby' I need to tell Peter first since he's the father. I really don't know how to feel anxious, scared, excited one thing that I do know is that I want to have this baby with peter. Maybe I can find a cute way to tell him.

Once I finish I decided to get the food and pick the movie. After I was done I hear a knock at the door. I open the door to see if Peter "hey peter" I said as I motion to him to come in." Wow Wanda he went all out" he said surprise "Well this is our first date in a long time so I want to make it special" I said excitedly "Wanda you have outdone yourself" he said as he sits on my bed "Thank you" I said proudly. "So what are we watching" he asked "Godzilla vs. King Kong" I said excitedly "By your reaction it must be good" he said laughing a little "The trailer look epic so I am really excited" I said as I sat down next to him and play the movie.

~After the movie~

"That was awesome" Peter said "Yeah that was epic!! the only problem I have with it is that it ended in a draw" I said a little disappointed "Oh come on those two helping each other to defeat one monster best team up" he said "You do got a point there. But moral of the story is Sciences need to stop trying to recreate thing that died" I said "Yeah you're right they should stop" she said laughing."Okay I have one last thing planned" I said as I got the box off and under my bed to handed to him "What's this" he questioned "Just open it" I said excitedly he open the box to see

"Okay I have one last thing planned" I said as I got the box off and under my bed to handed to him "What's this" he questioned "Just open it" I said excitedly he open the box to see

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I look at Peter smiling "Really?" He said shock I nod my head up and down "Yes I'm pregnant peter" I said excitedly while placing my hand on my stomach. "I-i I don't know how to feel right now excited, anxious. Wait did you tell anybody else?" he asked "No because it felt important to tell you first. Plus I'm nervous about how they will react. But I really don't want to tell them now until we have a plan. I don't want to live here with the baby because I want a private space so we can live there" i said ."Okay well I love you but first things first we need to set a doctor's appointment to check on the baby and your health" he said "I love you so much peter" I said as I started to cry.

"W-why are you crying did I do something wrong?" he asked a bit panic "No I'm just really happy" I said kissing him passionately.

I don't know where our future may have in store but all I know is that I want spend it with him.
Did a research for this chapter and the chapters to come.

Thank you for reading the chapter and see you in the next one

Until next time my chicken nuggets ✌

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