Act 2: Espio Chapter 4: Questions And Answers

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Espio was in a tight spot. His friends Charmy and Vector as well as Sebastian were pinned down by ninja chameleons in the remains of his old home, Chameleon Village. Camou, with the Sword of the Sun aimed at Charmy's head, is forcing Espio to make a big decision. Vector tries to get free but the chameleons prove to be too much for him. Hitomi, standing behind Espio watches in worry. Espio clutched his fist.

"Leave my friends out of this, Camou!" Espio demanded. "This is between you and me!"

"Brother, brother, brother. Always putting the lives of others above yourself. What am I going to do with you?" Camou scoffed.

The word "brother" caught Vector off guard. This guy is Espio's brother!?

Camou continued. "You know exactly what I want. Find the Sword of the Moon before the Eclipse arrives in 3 days from now and then... you and me shall battle. It will be the greatest battle of all time!"

Espio had a feeling that's what Camou wanted. He had become so obsessed with fighting and strength that it was all he could ever think about.

"Didn't you hear what I said before!? I'm not gonna get the moon sword to satisfy your lust for battle! I don't fight like that! I fight to protect my friends and the lives of innocents!" Espio spoke out.

Camou shook his head in disappointment. Camou had wanted to bring Espio's friends to the village and have them at his mercy to hopefully convince Espio to do as he said. Clearly it was time for plan B.

"Well then... it appears I need to add a bit more to the equation." Camou said causing Espio to raise an eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Espio quarried.

"It means if you choose not to get the sword, then I won't be able to hold out my frustration for much longer. I can easily vaporize an entire city with one swing of my sun sword. Even your precious Seaside City. Oh, what a beautiful place it is. It would be shame if it was... eviscerated."

Espio was shocked to hear this. He already destroyed one home of his and he would go on to destroy another. That tore it for Espio. It was clear as day that his brother is completely gone and what remains is a monster obsessed with fighting. Hitomi came next to Espio with a worried look in her eyes.

"Master, you've already destroyed countless civilizations. Why destroy another?" Hitomi spoke out.

Espio caught on to Hitomi's words. She looked like she was in disbelief that Camou would do this. Is she trying to stop Camou? If so, why?

Vector on the other hand wasn't buying one bit. "Don't act like you care, Hitomi! I knew we shouldn't have trusted you the second you came at our doorstep! I mean, really! Espio gets a threatening note from this guy and then you show up! Coincidence? I think not!"

Camou looked to Vector confused. "Threatening note? What are you talking about?" Camou asked.

Vector snarled. "Don't you play koi with me! You sent that note to Espio hoping he'd come to you!"

"I didn't send a-" Camou stopped and thought for a moment. Then he chuckled earning confused looks from everyone. "Ah, now I see what's going on. It all makes sense." Camou said before turning his head to Hitomi. "Hitomi, may I barrow one of your sai?"

"My sai? O-Of course, Master." Hitomi acknowledged walking to her master and handing one of her sai to Camou.

Camou examined the sai for bit before grabbing a hold of Hitomi's waist and bringing her close to him.

Hitomi was blushing a bright red. "M-Master, what are you-"

Suddenly, Hitomi stopped talking as she felt a sharp pain on the left side of her abdomen. Camou had stabbed Hitomi with her own sai. Espio, Vector, Charmy, and even Sebastian were all shocked to see this happen right before their eyes.

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