Who do you Trust?

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'Not really,' she offered sadly. 'I was an arrogant little bitch, a bully, a snob...'

'Hey!' Harry stopped in front of this broken woman, stepping close and brushing away the wetness from her cheek with the back of his finger.

Draco felt a surge of fondness for him, for his care, his love that was without condition. He wondered how Harry, of all people, had not ended up bitter and twisted by his past, by his job even. Why did he have so much faith in human nature? He wondered how much Minerva was responsible for his good nature.

'Bloody Gryffindors!' he muttered and Pansy snorted softly.

'I know,' Harry smiled foolishly. 'But none of us are exactly perfect. So, it doesn't do us any favours to focus on the faults of our past or others' faults of their past either. We learn and move forward, that's all we can do. Just strive to be a better person.'

'Is that what Willow told you?' Pansy asked.

'In a roundabout way.'

'Did she tell how to be that better person?'

'No, I'm still working that one out, just trying with each day. I try to live by a code of Forgiveness, Compassion, and Gratitude. It helps.'


They didn't talk for a while but Harry led them back to Grimmauld Place.

'Do you like Thai food?' he asked.

Harry was entirely sure the evening was going to be horribly awkward but he went with it anyway.


He looked at her quizzically.

'I don't know,' Pansy said.

'Okay,' Harry said, clearly realising she'd obviously never tried it. 'What about spicy food? Do you like chilli-hot food?'

Pansy shrugged, 'I don't usually go for more than a medium curry if I have one, but it doesn't happen often...'

'Not a problem. Draco's a Pescatarian these days, so I'll get a fish and veggie selection for the three of us, if that's okay.'

She looked in surprise at Draco.

'You try living under the same roof for any length of time with a werewolf. It's enough to put anyone off meat forever,' Draco drawled.

'Harry, didn't you stay with Professor Lupin and your godfather? I'm sure Draco mentioned it on more than one occasion,' there was an old hint of teasing to her tone.

'I didn't live with him but when I stayed with Sirius he was definitely around. I should think that Remus and Fenrir are different ends of a spectrum,' Harry suggested, not failing to register Pansy's dig at Draco. He didn't comment though, instead, he asked, 'can you trust me to pick a selection then?'

She shrugged again. 'So, you two still as obsessed with each other?'

Neither Harry nor Draco answered but Draco was fairly certain he was blushing. Harry simply adjusted his Wards and pushed open the door to lead Pansy into the house, slinging his coat briefly at the coat hooks before heading down to the kitchen to feed Hercules and get the phone.

The proprietor at the Phanthong Thai knew Harry's voice as soon as he picked up, much to his continued amusement.

'Nay Harry, will it be the usual for you and Master Teddy?'

'Just mine, please, Anu, Teddy's already eaten and needs to go to bed.' He stared pointedly at the young boy who was racing around the sitting room with Hercules. 'Can you make mine with seabass, plus a prawn yellow curry, and a veggie and tofu Pad Thai. We'll share a Luam Mid to start.'

The Boy Who LivedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora