Я люблю вас ♥️

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You all get tired and fall asleep except for you. You were wake practicing your fake smiles. You laughed softly, crying. "Worthless..pathetic...useless...unwanted.." You repeat, whispering. "I'm so worthless in this world. Right?" You chuckle. "Who the hell said you were?!" Ruv growled. Uh oh, Ruv was awake.

"O-Oh uh I was just joking. I mean why would I want to-" Your words were cut off. "S H U T  U P ." Ruv snarled. Ruv went to your bed and cupped your cheeks. "You're the most pretty, kind, and loving girl on this planet! Got that?!" Your cheeks were tomato red, considering the fact you guys met each other for 2 days. He reached out and kissed you, with a small peck on your lips.


He kissed you.

The love of your life kissed you.

"Я люблю вас ♥️" Ruv whispered. And yes, you knew some Russian. He said 'I love you." Ruv continued to hug you not leaving your bed. The warmth of his arms caused you to sleep very quickly.



i need more motivation.

s e r i o u s l y.

please request just for this part-idk what to do.

i wrote three chapters in a day with no break, and i swear i tried not to swear in this book. also im not doing lime, lemon, smut.

h e l p .

Ruv x Anxiety! reader (THIS IS OLD ASF PLS DONT READ IT, IT'S SO BOOTYCHEEKS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora