Taking off

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"There you have it folks, the winner of the annual draconic competionion,Icefall!" 
said a yellowly green dragon
"As the winner, she is granted a wish from the elders"
"Icefire what is it that you desire? Money? Fame?  We are obliged to grant what ever you want." said the electric blue dragon
Icefall a skyblue dragon with gold wingstips,claws,eyes,and horns replied  "I wish to see the outside world"
Utter silence filled the room
" Icefall you know that is dangerous right?"
"You said anything I wanted remember?"
".......fine you may leave tonight, but if you wish to come back then you'll have to fight our dragon legion to make sure you haven't been corrupted."

Icefall and the A.E projectΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα