3 - Cleo | Dangerous

Start from the beginning

I didn't give a fuck, I could be walking naked around this club and that didn't give anyone the right to lay a fucking finger on me.


Niall's voice made me snap out of it and I realized I had been staring at the main stage, where most of the clients were gathered around and spending money, and I just knew who was performing... it had to be June.

I walked closer so I could confirm, watching the way she whipped her black hair and moved her hips as she performed her routine and danced around the pole like the professional she was. I bowed down to every single dancer in this room because I had tried once and it was very fucking hard.

I did it just for fun when the club was closed, obviously. And June was the best, all eyes would always turn to her when she was on stage, and she was teaching me a few tricks.

Not even working out daily and going through a lot of fighting practice could prepare me for pole dancing, that was for sure.

"She's really good." Niall came up behind me. "But we have to go, mom's waiting for us."

June's eyes spotted us, even though we were kinda distanced from her, and she waved playfully. I was sure Niall was blushing, he had a crush on her but he refused to admit it.

She was hot and very smart, she danced to pay for her doctorate degree and I actually considered her a good friend.
I didn't let many people in, it wasn't like I had time to worry about friendships or relationships. "Fine." I sighed, bumping my shoulder against Niall's as I made my way to the bar, leaving him behind as he probably was gawking at the raven-haired girl.
I pushed a few people out of the way as I tried to reach the end of the bar, finding my mother on her usual spot where she could see pretty much every angle of the club if something went wrong. It was rare... but we had a lot of incidents before.

Not lately, things were dangerously calm... well, besides whoever dared to kill Violet.

"You could've changed your shirt, Cleodora." My mother rolled her eyes when she noticed the many bloodstains covering my white button-down shirt, but thanks to her excessive pink lighting, it didn't look like blood for those with innocent eyes.

The long black dress she was wearing revealed the snake tattoo on her shoulder, and she had actually gotten it after my father died.

I had my snake tattoo since I was sixteen and so did Niall. His was on his arm and mine was on my hip. The snake was our family symbol in a way, well, my father always loved them and it became something important to all of us.

He always told me snakes represented power and strength... the temptation and the danger. Each one of those words was very meaningful in our line of work.

"I was busy and don't fucking call me that." I huffed, taking a seat on the stool right next to hers and Niall joined, sitting down next to me. She knew the only person who called me like that was my father, I hated when anybody else said it. "Make up your mind, what do you want me to do? Torture Aaron or family gathering?"

"God, she's in a bad mood." My mom chuckled, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear as she glanced at Niall.

I hated it when they talked as if I wasn't in the fucking room.

"I know, I thought the torture would improve it." Niall smiled sweetly at me and he was lucky I left my knife back in the other room. Wouldn't be the first time he got himself stabbed by me.

Don't worry, nothing too deep or anything like that.

"My plans for tonight were different," I said simply, looking into my mother's blue eyes, they were the exact same shade as mine. "I didn't get anything out of Aaron... only that he claims he's protected by Styles."

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