This Is It

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My phone is buzzing on my nightstand. The crust from the night's sleep still in my eyes as I try and push them away and grab my phone. My ringtone blasting through the room and it echoes against the walls. I mumble incoherent thoughts as I finally open my eyes and peer at who was calling me turns out it was my best friend, Pete. We have been best friends for as long as I can even remember. We usually do everything together, classes and everything. I even forced him to take French with me this year because I managed to convince him that it would help him if he ever wanted to make it as this rock star he is trying to be. 

"Dude where the hell are you at?!" I heard as soon as I hit the "accept" button on my phone. Kind of making me wish I didn't. "I am still in bed I don't know what the hell you are going on about but you have some nerve waking me up," I replied sitting up in my bed looking around trying to find the clothes that I told myself I needed to lay out so this wouldn't happen sighing to myself. "Dude it is like seven-thirty you need to be here remember?" Pete said with some annoyance in his voice. Me and Pete have this tradition of every morning before the first day of school we go and get some breakfast at the local McDonald's. We have done it ever since our moms alternated on who took us to school. 

I looked around frantically getting everything on quickly while listening to Pete go on about how I knew that we were going to do this and how dare I forget something important like this. "Yes Pete, how dare I forget it. I have senior project first period anyways and I know you do too," I say grabbing my car keys from the table and heading out. "I will be there as soon as the car will get me there without having to face a cop because I'd rather not do that today and you just know they will be out since we are going back to school today," I said mumbling quietly unlocking my car and getting in. I could just hear the eye rolls from over the phone. 

I ended the conversation quickly and started on the drive there. I do not live that far from the McDonalds so it wasn't even that long of a drive. As soon as I pulled into the parking lot that we always were at in the same spots, there was Pete. We both got our cars already used and they were both a little rough looking but at least he finally got his license before the school year started. I walked in and the smell of heavily processed food and grease I sat down at the same table that I always did with Pete who had already ordered his food like the impatient person he is. I could give him shit about this.

"So you ordered your food but then chose to complain to me?" I asked giving him a soft smile and sitting down across from him staring at his iced coffee because of course he did get that. He flashed his perfect smile nodding proudly as if he did something well worth being that proud of that wasn't for an iced coffee. "Are you going to get your usual hot coffee in the middle of summer still like a psychopath and a sausage and biscuit or are you going to sit there and be bitter at me?" He said cocking his eyebrow smirking slightly. He always knew being a smartass towards me was going to get me to do the thing that I needed to do.

I nodded getting up and making my way towards the line of people who all had the same idea as us to get it this morning and ordered my food. Shockingly enough for how basic it is, it came out quickly and I took my regular spot again across from Pete. "So are you excited that we basically have all of our classes together?" He asked excitingly unaware if it was from the caffeine or just genuine excitement. I nodded in response taking a sip of my drink. "All but band and theatre,"  I replied shrugging. Theatre was always something that  I tried to get Pete to try because I know it would be something that would be good for him. He is an amazing singer. 

"Yeah but we both know theatre at least isn't my thing. You are an amazing singer and you are amazing with your instruments it does not matter which one you are just talented!" He exclaimed happily. I already know that is how he gets when he is passionate about something and genuinely passionate. It does not matter what it is, he always gets passionate about things that he loves and he has admitted I am one of those people. Not in the way that you think though. Pete has admittingly came out as bisexual to the whole band group and they of course accepted him with open arms because hell most of them have worst stuff in their closets.

Speaking of those closets, I have failed to come out of my own. I have heard a billion times from Pete that it does not matter what I am we will always be the best of friends, I could even be a furry. I feel like being a furry at this point would be better than having to face the obstacle of admitting that I have the fattest crush on my best friend. I had always thought I would have ended up bullying him or something and it would be like in Mean Girls where she's like "I have a big fat lesbian crush on you," but replace the lesbian with gay of course. 

"Hello? Yo! Patrick you good?" I finally heard and saw a hand waving in my face. It brought me out of my trance of me being lost in my own thoughts and having to think more about what this school year is going to bring me. "Sorry, what were you going on about?" I asked genuinely not knowing how long I was just spaced out for in the first place. "Hey, do not worry about it. We need to go on and head up to the school," he said getting up and patting my back. It makes me wonder if he said something of genuine importance of course the one time that I was out of it he says that. 

I nodded following him out of the fast-food place and getting in our own separate cars and heading off of the school. This is it, the start of a chaotic school year. 

Living a Fantasy (Revised)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن