"He murdered those two nuns over a pint of Guinness" Freddie added.
"Allegedly" Kayleigh corrected.
"I hear he once stabbed a police man in the neck with a stuffed gullermont!"
"That's so not true!" Kayleigh defended. "It was a puffin"
I rose my eyebrows at her.
"Anyway, narcotics?" I said, pulling Cook towards the bathroom.

Cook handed me the bag, after he'd taken some on his finger and inhaled it up his nose, smirking. I did the same, and gave the bag to Katie next. They passed it around, letting it eventually get to Pandora.
"I wanna see this" I whispered, nodding at her.

She took the whole bag, studied it curiously, then tipped it down her throat.

"No Panda wait wait! ugh.." Effy warned, but it was too late.

I grabbed the bag and stared inside in awe, realizing that all the powder was now sitting on her tongue.

"Fuck me.." I said, glancing at Pandora. She looked terrified, as she looked around at all our shocked faces.

"What, was that wrong?" She asked, struggling to talk.
"Yeah!" I replied.
"Did you just swallow my drugs?" Cook said, frowning at the empty bag.
"She's fucking finished it!" Karen raged.
"You're not supposed to eat it! It goes up the nose, twat" Kayleigh cursed, rolling her eyes.
"Don't blame her, she didn't know" I retorted.
"My mouf 'as gone all numb" Pandora said, still looking worried.
"No surprise!" Cook laughed.
"Well we've had ours!" Katie giggled.
"Come on Pandas, we're out of here" Effy smiled, grabbing Pandora's loopy self out of the room.

"I said you shouldn't have let them in" Karen hissed.
"Where's the love?" Cook replied.
"You're a wanker James" She said.

Cook laughed and put his hand around my shoulder, about to walk out.
"Cookie, wait" Kayleigh called. He stopped for a second, and looked back.
"You will get us some more won't you?"
"Um..yeah?" He replied.
"Cos if you could.. that would be..God! Really, really great" She responded, getting into his face and looking him up and down.

His hand slipped off my shoulder as he looked back at her. She slowly left the bathroom, leaving me and Cook alone.
"See that Kal?" He said.
"Yeah.. what about it"
"Looks like i'm getting it in tonight" He smiled, walking out.

I frowned, and felt sick for a short second.
Sick with jealousy I suppose. It's nothing new, i'm constantly watching girls shoot their shot with Cook- it just hurts more as time goes on.

I walked out of the bathroom and noticed Freddie with his eyes glued to Effy as she danced, being the center of attention as usual. He managed to drag his eyes away as Cook started talking.

"I need more class A drugs, quick" Cook said, picking at some of the snacks.
"Why?" JJ quizzed.
"Kayleigh just gave him the look apparently" I sighed.
"What sort of look is that?" J asked.
"This one" Cook said, demonstrating.
"Right, I see what you mean. Freddie, we gotta get this man some drugs"
"Why?" Freds asked, sounding really annoyed.
"Do the look"
Cook repeated the look once more.

"What does that mean?"
"Means i'm getting laid tonight Freds"
"Oh please, not Kayleigh! Think of us three!"
"Yous aren't fucking her!"
"I thought you liked Effy" He said, pointing at the high brunette twirling on the dance floor.
"Yeah, she's a peach, but I already tapped that! Top dollar shag, shes my last resort, sure thing I reckon"
I sighed, trying not to think about the two.

"Y-You shagged Effy?" Freddie stammered, frowning.
J looked disappointed. We all did.

"Oh come on Freds!" Cook said.
"Didn't you know?" I said.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"Because apart from those times where my cock is actually up your arse, you have no reason to worry about where it is the rest of the time!"
"But you told Kalani"
"No I didn't! I don't even know how she found out" He shrugged.
"Doesn't take a genius to work it out. You two, sneaking off in the middle of class, not rocket science"
"Detective" Cook said, flicking my chin.
I flinched away, frowning at him.

FUCK IT ⚠︎ skins, jcNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ