Chapter One: Proposal, decision, and the in laws? How this all happened?

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Woods, I wasn't expecting you" Mr. Rodriguez says as he walks to the stubborn client, I sigh as I stop cleaning and head to the bar "I was in town and decided to stop for dinner, if it is not much trouble" the stubborn male says as I grab the wine chart and head to his table "Of course not, you are always welcomed here, Andrea..." "Here is our wine chart, please feel free to pick any wine you would like, I will get the menu for you in a moment" I say as I place the wine chart on the table, I walk to the host table and grab a menu.

"My sister is interested in doing her birthday party here, can we make it happen?" the stubborn male asks "Of course, Mr. Woods, just inform me of the date, and I'll make sure everything is in ship shape for Miss Wood's party" Mr. Rodriguez answers "Good" the stubborn male says "Are you ready to order your drink, Sir?" I ask as I place the menu on the table "I am ready to order in general" he answers "May I have you order?" I ask "Honey, ginger, cedar plank salmon with a bottle of Chardonnay" he answers and I nod "I'll be right back with your drink" I say as I head to the kitchen.

Thank God, salmon plank was today's plate of the day, and I have not started to clean the kitchen, so there is food, and the heaters are still on.

I frown as I push the cart to the main salon, where is Mr. Rodriguez? **SIGH** why do I bother to ask myself that question, I already know the answer to it? He left, Mr. Rodriguez must be on his way home now, in the mean time, I am stuck with Mr. Sympathy.

I stop next to the table "Your drink" I say as I serve him a glass of wine and place it on the table "Thank you" the man answers as he reads a document "Your food, Sir" I say as I place a plate before him "Perfect, I am famished" he says as he places the document a side and grabs the fork and knife "Enjoy" I say as I go back to work.

"Why do I get the feeling this happens a lot?" Mr. Stubborn asks as he cuts the salmon and I place the chairs on top of the tables "What happens a lot?" I ask "People taking advantage of you, your amiability, leaving you with all the work" he answers "Am I that obvious?" I ask "A little" he answers and I nod as I clean "I bet you even have a hard time saying no too" he says, okay, enough "The point of this conversation?" I ask "None, I'm trying to make some conversation as I have dinner" he answers "I appreciate the gesture, but I have to work" I say "And I will leave you to it, after we talk business" he says and I look at him.

>>"Business?" I ask as I go back to cleaning "Yes, tell me your work benefits?" he asks "Minimum wage, no bonuses, no sick days, no extra hours, and one free day each week, only free holidays are Christmas and Thanksgiving, we do not get vacations" I answer "Those are your benefits?" he asks "I needed the job, the benefits were the least of my worries" I answer "Okay, what if I offer you a better job and better benefits?" he asks, I drop the cloth on the table "I am all ears" I answer "My grandfather left me his company when he died, but for me to inherit it, I need to be married by the end of next month" he begins to explain "You want me to be that wife" I state and he nods "I am ready to offer you a lot of money for your hand" he adds "Just curious, how much money?" I ask "Millions" he answers and I release a heavy sigh "That's a lot of money" I add "I am kind of asking for something that not everybody would agree to on free will" he says, I nod.

"I will not add pressure to you, here is the contract" he says as he pushes an envelope towards me, I walk to his table "Take it home, read it, analyze it, write questions down, we meet, we discuss it, and we come down to an agreement" he adds as I grab the envelope "My sister's party is in 2 weeks, it will happen here, so you will have until then to give me answer, you don't, I'll assume you are not interested and move on to find someone else" he says and I nod "Inside of the envelope, there is a card with my information, if you have an answer before, call me" he says and I nod "Can you pack this to go?" he asks "Sure" I answer as I grab the plate and I head to the bar to fetch the to go foam bowls.

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