𝐗𝐗𝐕: Noah Versus Demon Pigeons

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"Yu's dula'm op radon, you."

You're doing the right thing.

Luna faces her with an indiscernible expression. "Yu nou don ron ai sodon op."

You didn't give me a choice.

Lyra's gut churns uneasily. They had never exactly asked Luna to come along with them ━━ it was more of them telling her that she was coming with them. But she's finding it hard to see Luna's issue. From what she's heard, Luna is a good person. If it's true and Luna is a good person, then wouldn't she want to use her blood to save the world?

"Dison laik stanop kru, Luna. Ai wich em in. En yu na wich ai in, you," Nyko tells her gruffly. "Lincoln wich em in Lyra. Ai yu wiched Lincoln, ait?"

These are good people, Luna. I trust them. And you can trust me. Besides, Lincoln trusted Lyra. And you trusted Lincoln, right?"

Luna doesn't respond. Her face remains impassive.

"Lyra, Luna, Nyko!" Nate calls from the shoreline. "Time to move!"

Luna ignores him and faces Lyra. "Yu vout in bilaik ai jus na kep emo klin yu."

You think my blood will save you.

"Kep oso klin," corrects Lyra, though her heart thumps uncomfortably.

Save us all.

"Chit yu vout in na kom au taim ai biyo 'mo nou na gada em in?" Luna challenges.

What do you think would happen if I said you couldn't have it?

Lyra faces her calmly, but it's hard to hide how troubled she is by where Luna's taken this conversation. "Tikh yu rem teik en dau?"

Would you really let everyone die?

"I said, let's go." Nate's tone is gritty wirh impatience as he marches back towards them, rounds them together and urges them forwards, across the dock.

Luna gazes at Lyra as if that is enough of an answer, then obediently moves forwards.

     Unable to hide her uneasiness any longer, Lyra allows herself to fall behind everyone. Her boots sink into the pebbled shore as waves lap at the rubber soles. She doesn't even want to think of what would happen if Luna decides to deny them her blood. It doesn't take a genius to concoct the painfully obvious scenarios. . . and none of them make Skaikru look any better.

     But if it's to save the world. . .

     Suddenly Emori halts. They've barely made it a dozen feet across the shore. Trees huddle together as the woods stretch on just another dozen feet ahead. But there is a small line of white pillars guarding them and Lyra eyes them anxiously. There is something unnerving about them.

     "What's wrong?" Abby asks Emori.

     "Alie's rules — no frikdreina past this line." Emori stares at the pillars uncertainly. "I've never crossed it."

OUT OF MIND² ━━ Bellamy BlakeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora