chapter 2

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*smut warning*

I wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss got more intense I wanted him and I could tell he wanted me too. But i knew how wrong this was and as the kiss got deeper i felt instant regret. Not because i was kissing Aaron because let me tell you he is a really good kisser but because it wasnt fair to spencer so i pulled away.
"that was amazing y/n, but why did you pull away?" Aaron said breathlessly
"its not fair to spencer" i said pulling further away from him
"what do you mean its not fair to spencer" he said with a scoff
"spencer is my boyfriend its not fair to him if i sleep with another man"
"so if you werent with spencer you would sleep with me?"
"Thats not the point Hotch"
"y/n do you not see the way he looks at jj and she looks at him?"
"what do you mean?" i said confused
" HE DOESNT LOVE YOU Y/N" i stood there speachless because what just came out of his mouth i thought i would never hear
"hes in love with jj im sorry"
"b-but he said he loved me" i finally managed to stutter out
"im sorry y/n but i think hes cheating on you with jj" at that moment i was numb yes i did have a thing for hotch but i did love spencer and to hear those words come out of hotchs mouth it broke me. my head was so clouded at this point and i slamed my lips against Aarons. i could tell it took him by suprise because he didnt kiss back at first but when he proccesed what was happining he kissed back. the kiss was full of need and hunger for one another. he walked me backwards towards the wall and slammed me against it. i started to unbutton his shirt as he started a trail of kisses down my jaw to my neck. i finally go his shit unbutton and he slid it off. before i could do anything else he shoved his hand down my pants.
" your so wet y/n. i havent even done anything to you yet" he whispered in my ear and made me moan. he covered my mouth with his free hand to silence me.
"as much as i would love to hear you moan my name you have to be quite y/n" i nodded my head to his words and he didnt seem to like that because he took his hand and wrapped it around my neck.
" words y/n. i need words"
" y-yes i u-understand sir" i managed to get out
"good" he smirked as he let go of my neck and he started to rub me through my underwear until he finally decide to unbutton my pants after he took them off he picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist and he brought me to his desk as he shoved everything to the side with a loud 'thud' on the ground. he never stopped the kiss between us as he ripped my under wear off and when i say ripped i literally mean he ripped them off and threw them acrossed the room.
"Hey those where my good pair!" he apparently didnt like what i had to say because he once again wrapped his hand around my neck and said
"i really dont care y/n. now shut up and dont talk unless i tell you to. understand?"
"y-y-yes sir" i stuttered as i said that he lowered he head down in between my legs and looked up to me like he was silently asking for my permission so i nodded my head to him. he begin to eat me out and i tried my best to muffle my moans by biting my lip and i was bitting it hard enough to the point where i thought it was gonna bleed. he begin thrusting his tounge in and out of me really hard and fast. i was so close to my orgasm i could barley get the words out to say
"a-a-aaron im so closee" i managed to moan out
"cum for me y/n i wanna taste you" as he said that my orgasm reached its peak and i cummed in his mouth. he rode me thru my high and finally he pulled away and grabbed so tissue off the floor to clean me up when he was done he threw it away and came back over and kissed me. i could taste myself on him and ass the kiss went on i went to unbutton his pants but before i could he grabbe my wrist and pulled my hand away. as he pulled my hand away i pulled away from the kiss and breathlesly said
"why'd you do that"
"because all i wanted to do today was pleasure you"
"but ur pants say other wise" i say as i point down to the huge tent in his pants he chuckles and says
"i can deal with that later"
"but i wanna help you" i whined but he pulled away and walked over to his shirt and put it on after, he grabbed my pants and brought them to me. i slid them on only to realize i didnt have my underwear but as i went to find them aaron had them in his hand and was swinging them around his finger.
"Hotch give them to me please"
"call me aaron when we are alone and no im keeping them" he said with a huge smirk plasterd on his cute face
"but i need them" i said as i went to snatch them out of his hand but i was to late and he stuffed them in his pants pocket.
"they are broken anywasy so you wouldnt be able to wear them" oh shit thats right i totally forgot he ripped them off.
"your an ass. you know that?"
"aww thanks for the complement y/n" he said with a grin
"ass" i scoffed as i went to leave his office he grabed my wrist and pulled me into him.
"meet me at my house by 8 please" he said as he kissed me passionately. i kissed back but then pulled away and said
"hmmm ill have to think about that" and i opened the door and walked out leaving him just standing there.

uh oh! (Aaron hotchner)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora