Story Two: Pipe Piper for Rapunzel

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"May I ask, why did you...I mean how did you long were you there...I mean," I blurted out nervously, hands trembling. He glanced at me, then let out a laugh. 

"You ask too many questions," he said with an amused tone. "Just be happy that you're safe. Though I did save you because...well maybe I sort of like you and your hair. Which is odd for me." A wave of red washed over my cheeks. I played with my knife, which he finally gave back to me. It still had some streaks of blood on its blade.  

"I guess you're right," I said in a dry, playful tone. He looked at me withbewilderment. "You did save me, and I thank you for that. However you've seen me, and I can't allow you to stay alive for that." I thrust the knife towards him, aiming for his heart. But to my amazement he caught me on the wrist.  

"You're something else," he whispered to me, a warm smile wiped on his face. He pulled me closer, until our noses were only inches away from each other.  

"You could say that," I replied back tenderly, leaning closer until our lips touched. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist, pulling me even closer. I couldn't help but enjoy it. I swung my pale arms around his neck. I didn't want him to stop. 

A voice, a familiar gut-wrenching voice punctured my eardrums. Sending a cascade of goosebumps up and down my spine. He must have felt me quiver, as he removed the connection of our lips and looked at me in worry.  

"What's wrong?" he asked with concern, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I lowered my eyes. 

"I need to go now," I uttered wincing at each word. 

"Well when can I see you again?" he inquired, as I made my way towards the tower of terror.  

"Never... I will never see you again," I muttered, fighting a strong urge to run back to him.  

"What, no, why?!" he exclaimed, sprinting to my side. 

"Good bye pipe piper," I replied softly, a single tear tumbling down my cheek. I ran off into the distance. Leaving a gobsmacked, oddly dressed piper.


"What were you doing out there?!" she bellowed, as I swung myself up the tower, then pulling my hair up. "Leave your hair there and answer me!" I let it return to hanging near the ground.  

"I just went for a stroll," I replied dully. Her sour expression turned to sweet. 

"Okay sweetie," she crooned, pulling me into an awkward hug. "I just don't want anything to happen to my little girl." I'm still classified as little...I'm 17! I shoved her away. She looked at me in complete surprise. Something inside me had had enough of being trapped in here, and bossed around by this witch. 

"Look I'm not a kid," I said firmly, glaring at her with scorn. "I can look after myself, and I always have! I'm going to leave right now, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" I rotated and was making my way to the door...well window.  

"I wouldn't be so sure about that my dear," Gothel answered, reaching for something in her cloak. I let out a giggle.  

"And what makes you think that," I replied with amusement.  

"This," she crowed, pulling out a dagger and jerking my hair. I clambered onto the wooden floor. She jerked it up again so I could face her. "No hair to climb down, no way to escape!" I gritted my teeth and spat in her contorted face.  

I kept feeling a tug on my hair, and it took me a while to realise that it wasn't Gothel. I arched my eyebrow, confused and knees throbbing.  

"You're such an ungratefully little wretch!" she squawked into my ears.  

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