chapter 4- Dreams by Fleetwood mac

Start from the beginning

I look over to see that the front window is cracked an inch. I drag one of the porch chairs underneath it. Push open the screen and push up the glass so that it is now wide open. Good thing he's on the bottom floor.

"You left me no choice, gotta make sure you're not dead right?" I joke.

Maybe he's just not home. That would suck though. Harry is at work so I have nobody to talk to. I don't like to be left alone with my thoughts. I don't want to give them the ability to wonder.

I get through the window with no problem. I take a few steps into the dank living room. It wasn't much of a place but it was still his home.

All the lights were off but the T.V. was on. He had his dumb CSI Miami show on.

"Li, you awake?" I call out as I walk down the lifeless white halls. I came to his wooden door that was closed. Knock knock, it creaks open I guess it wasn't fully closed.

I peek my head in the room, "Liam?" I call out almost as if I was singing happily.

The light gray curtains are drawn, a few shirts are thrown on the floor, bed comforter bunched up with the pillows stacked underneath, this is messy for Liam. He usually gets annoyed if I flop on his bed and mess the sheets up.

Guess this means he's not home.

I walk further into the room over to the window to air out the room and let a little light in. The shirts are right under the window so I pick them up, shake them out, and lay them on the ottoman he had in the corner. I turn around to the bed to make it

I think Liam would be proud when he comes home to a clean room and finds out I clean something for once -god knows I hate to clean.

I pull the duvet down to fix the sheets and pillows but instead of a pile of pillows and sheets what I see startles me a bit. Liam is laying there.

"Dude get up" I say nudging him a bit. I wait a few seconds and try again.

"Hey dickhead you gonna get up or what" I push him again but still get no response.

"Hey Li come on get up" I say as I feel something crawl up my neck."Get up"
my blood run cold. It's as if all the air in my lungs disappeared, I felt as if I was choking from the inside, as if something was constricting my lungs so I couldn't breath, so I couldn't yell, so I couldn't move.

My best friend, my cousin, the person I admired to be, the person that made me laugh, the person that helped make me who I am today just laying there, dull.

As the shock runs through my body I'm still weary about if hes ok or not so I do the only logical thing to do, I slap him.

I didn't slap him too hard but definitely hard enough to jolt him awake.

All I can do is stare until I am shaken to my senses when I hear a dog barking outside.

"Liam!" I yell as I grab his arm.


I do it again "Liam!"


I rip the blanket farther off of him. He just lays there. I place my fingers on his neck and my head on his chest that is covered by just an undershirt. I'm not a doctor or anything but I've seen plenty of doctor shows and crime shows to try this.

I hear nothing, I feel nothing.

I pick my head up and look at him. I touch my face and feel that I am crying. I didn't even realize it until now. I feel over taken with emotions. I am confused, how did this happen? I am worried, is he really gone? I am angry, I can't lose my best friend, my family. I am lost, why would this happen to him. Liam is one of the sweetest people I know why him?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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