(Y/n) latched on to Luca's words. They weighed heavily in her heart and mind and she felt the hope they brought. "I don't how to thank you, Luca."

"Seeing that gleam in your eyes is a reward in itself. Besides, you already promised to do a photo shoot with me." Luca stood up, dropping his hands from her shoulders. "Let's go find Jasper and take this photo shoot out of Lestallum. I could use a break from this hot town."

"I never really noticed how hot it was here," (Y/n) commented as she got to her feet.

"Really?" He reached out and touched her arm, feeling just how cold she was to the touch. "Oh, wow, your skin is freezing! I can't believe I didn't notice that before. Is your element ice?"

"That, and lightning."

He gasped in shock. "You wield two elements? Damn, I wish I would've learned a second element. I use lightning, too."

"What other element would you like to learn?" She inquired.

"Definitely fire."

"I wish I wielded fire instead of ice sometimes..."

"I think all guardians feel that way about their element from time to time. You wish you knew a completely different element, but in the end are happy with what you've already mastered."

She giggled. "I agree."

The guardians left the outlook and searched Lestallum for Jasper. To their surprise, they found him enjoying a cup of coffee with none other than Ignis. (Y/n) couldn't believe she was seeing the advisor meeting up with Luca's fiancé. The shaggy-haired man leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Talk about a major coincidence. Maybe they were talking about what you and I were."

The girl's mouth opened and closed as if she were a fish gasping. She quickly closed her mouth as they approached Jasper and Ignis. Luca threw an arm around his fiancé's neck and smirked. "Whatcha two gossiping about? Are there some dirty secrets you can't share with me and (Y/n)?"

"Well..." Jasper leant over and whispered something into Luca's ear. The photographer bit down on his knuckle with a smirk threatening to form on his face.

"Oooh, I see. My lips are sealed."

(Y/n) glances between the two. "Secrets, hmm?"

Luca grinned knowingly in her direction. "If I were to tell you, it'd ruin the surprise!"

She folded her arms across her chest. "Well, it is none of my business." Turning her attention to Ignis, she tilted her head. "I'm surprised to see you with Jasper."

"There were important matters I wished to discuss with him," Ignis replied.

"All right!" Jasper shouted, grabbing their attentions. "Let's get this photo shoot rolling. Are you gonna tag along, Ignis?"

"If you'll allow as much."

"There's no problem. It's the least we can do since we're borrowing your lady."

Ignis' stoic expression didn't falter. He kept his emotions in check like the professional he was. Although he had discussed the same with Jasper that (Y/n) did with Luca, neither one of them knew the truth. Only the loving couple they'd spoken to knew the secret of both their rendezvouses.

"All of us should be able to fit in my car," Luca said. "We'll take a short drive to kelbass grasslands and take a few pictures of (Y/n) and myself. It'll be a short trip, possibly between two to three hours."

"Should we tell Noct and the others?" The female guardian asked Ignis.

"A few hours of relax and reprieve will do them no harm. It will be my good deed for the day," he answered with a small hint of a smirk. "Noct may even still be fast asleep by the time we return."

Mythological Mayhem (Book Two: Sapphire) [Ignis x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now