5 | October 1999

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After George announced that I looked over at Fred. He had a smile on his face that looked slightly forced. I stood up and both George and Angelina a hug before I tapped Fred's shoulder and asked him to help me finish dinner.

Fred came through to the kitchen and that is when I struck up what I knew was going to be an awkward conversation.

"Fred, I don't know how to say this, so I am just going to ask. How do you really feel about George dating Angie? Don't bother lying to me either." I asked.

I head him sigh. "Well, I don't still fancy her if that is what you mean. But isn't it a bit weird. I mean I dated her briefly in Hogwarts and now she is dating my twin brother?"

I looked at him. "Well, yeah I suppose but if you don't have feelings for her and George is happy shouldn't the weirdness go away eventually?"

"You're right, as always. I just I don't know." He looked defeated.

"Is it weird because you dated her or is it weird because you are not dating anyone now. I mean Bill's married; Percy apparently has someone he likes at work. I was with Nathan, Ron and Hermione are dating and so are Ginny and Harry. Is it weird because George is with Angelina or are you subconsciously feeling left out?"

"I don't know. I'm not jealous but I would like to have someone."

I smiled at him. "Okay, so when you go back in there at least you know it isn't about Angelina. How about you try and find someone. It isn't that hard Fred. But if I am honest with you, you are only 21. You don't have to settle down now."

He nodded his head and left the kitchen. I finished up serving the dinner before I went through as well.


It was the last Saturday of October which meant it was also Mum's birthday. As we were all going round tomorrow for our weekly meal and to celebrate I decided to get Mum a gift from Diagon Alley. I already got her a new robe to go out in after she mentioned about having to mend her old one multiple times. As I was walking round Diagon Alley I was having an internal debate with myself over what else to get her.

I walked past various shops until I came to a small little bookshop that looked like it had only just opened up. Now that Mum didn't have all her Children living at home anymore and the ones that did could take care of themselves, I decided to take a look and see if there was something Mum would enjoy.

There were a few books by muggle authors and a recipe book that caught my eye. I decided to get her them to give her something to do. I paid the witch behind the till and made my way out of the shop. I decided to head back to the flat for dinner as I knew Angelina and Katie were coming round tonight.

On my way I had this feeling like I was being followed. I kept turning my head around, but I didn't see anyone that appeared to be following me. I carried on moving towards the shop that was now in view when I turned around and saw someone I recognised.

I immediately felt scared when I saw him and apparated to the flat. The person I had just seen was Brandon Fritz. Nathan's best friend. They grew up together before they then both got sorted into Slytherin. When I was dating Nathan, Brandon never liked me much. He would call me vile names and deliberately try to humiliate me. Of course, Nathan never stood up for me and would almost always agree with him.

George came out of the kitchen when he heard me apparate into the flat. I was shaking uncontrollably and had tears streaming down my face. Brandon had not been too happy about me dating Nathan but the fact that I left him probably made him furious.

"Evie, talk to me what's wrong?" George asked trying to calm me down.

"Brandon s-saw me out-outside. H-he was following-ing me." I stuttered. I could feel a panic attack starting.

"It's okay darling you are safe now." George comforted me. I slowly made my way over to the window and I could see Brandon standing in the street looking around for me. He looked livid.

"George he is still there, look." I pointed down at him.

"Get away from the window Evie we don't want him seeing you." George gently pulled me away from the window.

"He's going to find me isn't he?" I was now crying uncontrollably. The thought of facing Nathan frightened me more than anything.

"Who's going to find you?" Someone asked. I immediately recognised the voice to be Fred's. he was standing there with both Katie and Angelina. George went over to them and explained what he knew. Katie rushed over to me and hugged me. Trying to calm down my crying. Angelina then came over and sat with me as well.

Fred checked the window. "Well, he's not there anymore but we'll keep and eye out for him." He reassured me. I just nodded at his words not really taking everything in.


The next day we were back at the Burrow. I had asked my brothers not to say anything yet. I didn't want to ruin Mum's birthday celebration. They agreed so long as we would let everyone know if anything else happened. I accepted their terms and was set on having a good day with Mum.

She loved the gifts from all of us, even though she shouted at us all for 'wasting our money' on her. Fleur seemed a bit anxious about something but when I asked her what was bothering her she just said it was stress from her family in France. She didn't elaborate anymore, and I didn't push her, though I could tell it wasn't the truth. Charlie was talking about Dragons again as he was sporting yet another burn mark on his leg.

Everyone else was just enjoying the get together. all of us equally trying to talk to Mum. Dad helped with the cooking which he rarely did but the meal turned out to be amazing. There was light chatter going on around the table with Percy and Hermione telling stories about the Ministry and Ginny announced that she had a try-out for the Holy Head Harpies Quidditch team. They were her favourites growing up and now potentially playing for them was a dream come true for her.

Ron and Harry were boasting about a criminal they had caught. They were being cocky about it, and I had to laugh when said criminal nearly got away because Ron tripped over. They were talking about how even though Ron fell, he still manages to 'save the day' with his 'excellent' skills.

Charlie and I were nearly on the floor laughing which resulted in a sharp kick to the shin from Bill to shut us up.

Mum ended the night by thanking us for our gifts and saying how much she looked forward to seeing us all next week. Almost like how Hermione described a muggle television show host would have. Me, Fred and George went back to the flat and called it a night. Although I could hear them arguing about who got to use the bathroom first.

Finally Together (Lee Jordan)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora